I've decided that it's wishful thinking to get a blog written every week... or every other week for that matter... so once a month is going to have to do for now! :) Actually, life with JJ has been getting *somewhat* easier these days -- whether or not that's because he's become less "high maintenance" or maybe I've actually learned how to manage his needs (and my own)... it's hard to say. But I'm feeling a little more comfortable with him, and a little less overwhelmed with our developing day-to-day schedule. So hopefully I'll get better at the multi-tasking demands of being a semi-stay-at-home mom, including getting updates written on a more regular basis :) In all honesty, blogging is somewhat therapeutic... helps me to process everything and actually take time to reflect and appreciate the many great blessings in my life. That used to be the main reason I used my journal, but that's also getting pushed to the side these days... so I might as well take the little time I have to write a blog (it's pretty much a journal anyways).
SO. Little Jackson is still "little" -- but at 24" and 13 lbs, he's bigger than about 95% of babies his age. Yep, we have a budding little linebacker on our hands! haha. Or wide receiver... we won't be picky ;) He is a funny little kid, and I've really enjoyed seeing his little personality start to come out -- he's a curious little guy, loves to be sitting up and looking out at the world around him. So far, he's pretty mellow (which Geoff and I are incredibly grateful for) and really only gets overly fussy when he's hungry. Surprise, surprise. We've learned that one of his favorite things to do (aside from eat) is to lay on the floor and kick his little feet -- so we got him a toy that provides a little more entertainment for his exercise sessions:
He seriously cracks me up -- above his head is a little mirror, and he's quite impressed by the little face that watches over him :) I'm quite grateful that he's finally able to entertain himself, it gives me a little more time during the day to tackle my long to-do list! I've started to realize (and appreciate) how being a stay-at-home mom is actually a full-time job... pay just isn't in money -- rewards are much better :) But staying at home isn't exactly an option for me... and I do enjoy the opportunity I have to work and help others. In an amazing turn of events, my job at the call center as a hospice triage nurse is going to work out to be the most perfect job opportunity come November: we are going to be able to work from home! Over the next month, I've offered to help our new management (After Hours Triage) work to set up the system that we will need to triage calls at home -- meaning, I'll be doing a lot more administrative/technical work to help with the development. Funny how I seem to get signed up for this type of work... but I don't mind -- I actually enjoy it, and I'm quite good with the technical aspects of computers and the internet (and it doesn't hurt having a software programmer for a husband, either). All this means is that for now, I'll be a lot busier at home... if not tending to Jackson, running errands, cleaning house, or checking off tasks on my to-do list, I'll be working on my computer to help get this new system up and running. Needless to say, I'll have my hands full! And next month is going to be a busy one... Geoff's winter season is right around the corner, and that means the month of SNOW SHOWS is upon us. 3 out of the 4 weekends in October, Geoff will be out of town to promote and sell the newest Boondockers movie (numero 9) so I'm preparing - mentally - for the "alone" time I'll have with JJ. It's definitely getting easier, so I'm hoping (and praying) that he'll go easy on me -- and that maybe he'll decide to sleep 5-6 hours at night? maybe?? :D He's getting better, but still not there... guess he can't help the fact that he's a little beast who loves to eat!
And before the little one decides to wake up and ask for food, I'd better wrap this update up with the best news our little family has to share: <September 8, 2012> marks the day that Geoff, Jackson, and I were sealed together for eternity in the Los Angeles Temple. What a beautiful day and a special experience that we will undoubtedly cherish for the rest of our lives. As words can't quite express our appreciation and humble gratitude for this incredible blessing, I'll share some photos of the memorable occasion:
And with that, I'll leave you for now... until next time! <3
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