Guess I should just shoot down the thought of ever having somewhat of a predictable life... remember my last post just a few short weeks ago? that one about us having a girl? Well - scratch that. hahaha. Baby Dyer finally decided to show the world what he's really made of.... YES, you read that right: this little peanut is a BOY!! Unmistakable this time... he was quite happy to give us the perfect visual, and it left us in a slight state of shock (to say the least). In the world of ultrasounds, they tell you that nothing is certain until the baby is 20 weeks along - when the development is certain to be complete - so any readings before that are not necessarily given with 100% confidence. So at our 16- and 17-week visits, the ultrasounds were more-or-less inconclusive... our midwife was just trying to give us her best prediction, especially as he wouldn't open his legs or move around for us to get a better view. So I won't hold it against her :) It was humorous though - our ultrasound tech picked up on Geoff and I calling the baby "she" and then took the opportunity to ask us if we wanted to know the gender... of course we said yes, and as she moved the ultrasound head around a bit more, she showed us proof: we are most definitely having a SON. All Geoff and I could do was start laughing. I mean... REALLY?! First it was a boy... then a girl... and finally a boy. Let's just hope there aren't two in there! hahaha. (Don't worry - we confirmed that there is only ONE baby to prepare for...) SO. a little boy. That definitely changes things! Thankfully we hadn't done much shopping - just browsing on the internet for nursery ideas... which, of course, I have to start all over on. But it's okay, that's the fun part :) And I'm sure the next question on many minds is: "Do you have a name picked out?" And as a matter of fact, we do! Now introducing....
I had a few boy names picked out, and Geoff seemed to like Jackson (we had been calling him that for weeks before our first ultrasound, as I had a sneaking suspicion that it was a boy...) and he added James - his grandpa's name - that will inevitably lead to a nickname of JJ. But nevertheless, that's what we've settled on. And I like it :) Geoff, turns out, was a little disappointed when he found out that he wasn't going to be having a little girl this summer... but I'm hoping he'll get his chance somewhere down the road! We were joking that sibling rivalries start in heaven - little Jackson and Avery were both so anxious to come down here, but it looks as though Avery is going to have to wait her turn... and our little rebel-rouser Jackson has taken shotgun :) And apparently he isn't wasting any time goofing off in there either! Our midwife told us that he is a week ahead of schedule... apparently his legs are quite long, and his head measurement at the ultrasound puts him a little on the larger side - it isn't too much of a surprise considering that his dad is 6'4"... but then again, Geoff was only 7.5 lbs when he was born (haha I was over 8 lbs, go figure) so who knows if he keeps this up or takes a break from growing somewhere in the next couple months. But I really wouldn't mind having a baby early - as long as he's healthy! Which he looks to be, as our midwife has repeatedly reassured us :) Geoff thinks that this little guy is going to be a troublemaker - only because he was one growing up, and karma has a funny way of coming back around... hahahaha. But he is excited to have a little guy to take sledding... and biking... and camping... basically show his son what he is passionate about, and hopefully have a little partner in crime ;) I'm just happy to see Geoff excited and looking forward to this major change that will be affecting our lives come July! It's already March... I'm past the halfway point of my pregnancy, and while I should focus on that bit of optimism I find myself wishing it were May... or June even. It seems like this pregnancy is lasting forever - and I just can't wait to meet our son (aka Baby Phat, as some have nicknamed him). But until then, I will treasure this special time I have to be pregnant... and know that once he's here, our lives will never be the same :) Basically, I need to get as much sleep as possible while I still can!! hahaha. And of course, I have a few photos to share with everyone from our last ultrasound:
Baby Jackson! |
YES - it's a BOY! |
His little arm/hand |
He's looking right at us (you can see the white ring of his pupil) |
Hard to see... but that's his tiny footprint :) |
one more profile shot of our little peanut! <3 |
And here are a few short clips from the ultrasound too....
If you look at his head, you can see his mouth moving...
More visual proof that we are having a little BOY... haha
And one more clip for good measure :)
And I think that's enough parental bragging for now.... :) Time for me to get going - have laundry and house chores to finish before I need to get to work! Oh the life of a housewife/working mother-to-be.... love you all!
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