I'm sitting in the living room of our quaint Salt Lake City home, fire blazing just a few feet from my toasted feet, keeping me warm on this wintery Christmas Eve. What a wonderful holiday season this has been - time spent with family and friends, and that is what makes it truly special. And I have managed to stay quite busy over the past few weeks! But I have finally arrived at my last destination, and I am ready to be still and enjoy time here at home, and up on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Snowboarding on Christmas Day with the family... couldn't ask for a better way to celebrate. But before Santa arrives, I want to fill you in on the happenings as of late...
SO. I left you during the final few days of my semester, with one final to go - PHARM. I had a busy weekend preparing, and I was proud of my preparation and the effort I put into studying... and it definitely paid off! What was definitely the hardest exam of the semester became more manageable, and I finished the semester with solid grades. One more classroom-intensive semester of school and then its on to my transitional semester in preparation for me to become a licensed nurse! And what a intense semester it will be... I'm overloading the first month with a course, Nursing the Neonate, that will prepare me to care for newborn infants - particularly those in emergency situations. It will be an added 10-hours of class per week for that first month, but I am eager to learn the information so I am willing to sacrifice my free time for this elective course. Having this wealth of knowledge will only serve to increase my knowledge base and level of confidence as I enter the workforce as a nurse, and I want to be as prepared as I possibly can! And aside from that, the course is led by the instructor I had for my Faith & Health course and I absolutely love her, so I was even more willing to spend those hours with her. But in addition to that course... I will be starting my Adult Health rotation - not sure where I will end up quite yet, but I am crossing my fingers for the HIV/AIDS unit at JHH! That will be my hardest, most comprehensive clinical course... as overwhelmed as I might be at the thought, I know that my experiences will only prepare me for what lies ahead, so I look forward to the challenge it will undoubtedly be. I'm also taking a research-based course, to educate us on the importance of implementing evidence from current research into our practice (something that is crucially important, as a multitude of new evidence for medical practice is presented every day!), and then a course on information technology and its place in the hospital. During the second half of the semester I will be doing my Pediatrics clinical rotation and my Public Health-focused clinical rotation, and I will go into further detail about that as that draws closer. So I know I won't be bored next semester, that is for sure! But now is time to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet that the holidays bring.... although looking back at the past few weeks, I really haven't experienced much peace or quiet!
After school finished, I had a few days to collect my thoughts and strength, in preparation for the busy days that lie ahead of me. That following weekend, Amanda and I made the trip up to New York City to take in the sights and sounds of the city during the holidays. We wandered along Fifth Avenue to view the spectacular window displays of Bergdorf Goodman, listen to the "Carol of the Bells" play in coordination with the snowflake light show on the outside of Saks, take in the beauty of the giant Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center overlooking the menagerie of people skating on the ice rink below... I love New York during the holidays. Nothing compares - the spirit of Christmas has filled each and every street as a constant reminder of this glorious time of year. Only wish that some of the people there would feel that spirit and remember what this season is really about... but hey, it is New York. Blaring horns and disgruntled shoppers are part of the package. We were able to escape the chaos of the shopping frenzy for one night, though, as we went to see "The Nutcracker" performed by the New York City Ballet. I have never appreciated the grace and utter strength of ballet until that show. Words cannot adequately describe their perfect poise as the Sugar Plum fairy danced with her Prince on stage... it appeared effortless. I was in pure awe... so grateful for the opportunity to witness the beauty of their talent. We stayed until Monday, enjoying some time to relax with friends and relish in the Christmas spirit of the city.
One of my closest friends from my college days at UCLA, Meghan, came out to visit me for a few days after she finished her semester of business school in Denver. We stayed Monday night in Baltimore before making our way back up to New York for a few days of a holiday shopping spree! Over the course of three days, we traveled from Harlem all the way downtown, visiting every major shopping district you can think of... and thankfully my bank account did not suffer too much! I was able to get all my Christmas shopping done, and then treat myself to a few gifts as well... including a trip to a Broadway show! We felt the need to relive our childhood - singing along to "Spoonful of Sugar" and "Let's Go Fly a Kite" with the cast of Mary Poppins. It was a fabulous show! Our whirlwind adventure in the concrete jungle of New York ended as quickly as it began, and we found ourselves back in Baltimore on Friday to pack and prepare for our Saturday afternoon departure. Goodness, that makes me chuckle now... because when we arrived back in Baltimore, Meghan and I went to the grocery store and were surprised by the masses that were crowding the aisles, until we heard the reason for the mad rush to the market - a huge "Nor-easter" storm was on target to hit Baltimore that night, bringing with it about 20-32 inches of snow! We had absolutely no idea that a huge blizzard was heading our way, and we rushed home to find out that all flights out of BWI for the next day had been cancelled. Including ours, of course. So... we were left to fend for ourselves, situating ourselves next to the fireplace and renting about 6 movies to keep us entertained for the day. We ventured out into the biting wind for brunch at my favorite breakfast spot (it was actually open!) but that was our only excursion out that day. With an average yearly snowfall of 20 inches, the city of Baltimore is not equipped to deal with any huge snowfall - namely, no snowplows. Even when we left on Monday, many of the streets were still blanketed in snow. A bit ridiculous... to get 22 inches over the course of 24 hours... but it was a fun experience. Unfortunately, snow in Baltimore doesn't really amount to much... at least in Utah, we have mountains to enjoy and activities to participate in. In Charm City, everyone goes into hibernation... it just causes miserable travel conditions! But after a couple days of hiding inside, we were lucky enough to find seats on planes out to our final destinations (California for me, Colorado for Meghan) - thankfully BWI is not the busiest airport... canceling flights the week of Christmas is only asking for chaos! And apparently it did wreak havoc on certain airports... bless those people who work in the customer service departments of airlines. I don't know how they do it!
Well... so that I don't take up any more of your time, I'll leave the rest of my holiday story for another day... now it's off to a movie with Greg! Love this time to spend with family and enjoy the splendor of the season. Wishing you and your families all the best on this glorious Christmas Day!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering. If there is a purpose in life at all, there must be a purpose in suffering and in dying." - Dr. Victor FranklI SURVIVED.
I just finished my last day of clinical at my OB site... on 2 hours sleep. Thank you care plan! I was up until 2:30 AM scrutinizing every last detail so that I could prove (to MYSELF) that I was a competent student. And I feel so proud of the effort that I made and the work I accomplished. I feel that it adequately represents ME and the type of student I am and reflects the type of nurse that I hope to become. Which I am now one more semester closer to... half-way there! Hard to believe... another 7 weeks of clinical - OVER and DONE.
So. Now to discuss this past rotation... one which led me to realize my passion in the medical field - L&D! Can't tell you how excited I am about that discovery. It just FEELS right, on so many different levels. As for this clinical experience... my feelings are quite mixed. On the one hand, I'm a tad bit frustrated with some of the communication (or lack thereof) between the course coordinator and the clinical faculty. Our site instructor had much higher expectations of our preparation and knowledge base, when we all understood that we were going to learn a majority of the material and skills as we gained experience on the floor. We were taught the information in the classroom, but over the course of the 7 weeks, so it didn't quite translate over to the timeline of our clinical rotation. I don't normally complain about the workload of classes, but when it isn't clear to the students what is expected of them (and I wasn't the only one) then maybe it needs to be addressed across the board. HOWEVER... because of the high expectations that were placed on us, I was forced to push myself out of my comfort zone and I chose to challenge myself, to prove that I was capable of meeting those expectations. I know that I am a competent student, and I have a strong desire to be a confident and attentive nurse, and that eagerness is what fuels me to take on the obstacles that are thrown in front of me as I make my way through this program. My clinical instructor gave me feedback that I am quite grateful for, and complemented me in the best way possible - by telling me that I am motivated to challenge my weaknesses in order to overcome a complacency with mediocrity. Thankfully she noticed my committment to the unit and to my responsibilities after my midterm evaluation, and was impressed with how I took her comments and implemented them into my practice. So.. despite the frustrations, I am grateful for the lessons I learned and the experiences I had while I was on that unit - it has prepared me well for my next rotation! Adult Health.... oiy. I requested to be on the HIV/AIDS floor of Johns Hopkins Hospital -- that is my number one choice, and especially because it's at JHH! I've heard great things about the staff on that unit, and I really hope that I am placed there. I haven't been at a clinical site at JHH yet, and this would be an incredible opportunity! I'm crossing my fingers...
As the semester draws to a close, I've been reflecting on all that I've learned this semester... so much more than just nursing-related information. I've really delved deeper and gained a greater understanding of myself, and I am so excited to take this with me as I continue on! I read "Man's Search for Meaning" by Dr. Victor Frankl for my Faith & Health class (a fantastic book, if anyone wants to pick it up this holiday break) and I found some great insight within its pages. I started off this blog entry with a quote, one that I have drawn strength and inspiration from. In his book, Dr. Frankl describes his experiences as a prisoner of the Nazi concentration camps, and how those who were forced into such great, unavoidable suffering had to change their perspective and outlook on life in order to survive. His theories form the framework for "Logotherapy," which focuses on man's intent to find meaning in life, which gives motivation and reason to survive. This meaning can come from many different places, and sometimes we must be willing to swallow our pride and humble ourselves to give ourselves over to a greater purpose. Life is not meant to be an easy roadtrip... there are going to be struggles and sacrifices that we will have to make in order to reach our eventual goal, and as I have learned to accept this, it makes the process much more manageable. Sometimes I might not understand why I am chosen to suffer, in whatever context that might entail, but I know that in the end, it will all be worth it. And that is what gives me hope and strength to press forward.
OKAY now I'll get off my tiny soapbox... I guess that I'm just feeling the love in my life right now - holidays tend to do that! I had an incredible time with my family and friends while I was in Utah for Thanksgiving, and feel so grateful to have such an amazing support system in my life. It was just what I needed - time to let go of the world for a few days and just appreciate my numerous blessings. It was also nice to see SNOW - the first time I've ever actually missed living in that climate! It's starting to get icy out here... but with this humidity comes sleet and freezing rain. No powder-white snowflakes to catch on my tongue as I ride the chairlift up a mountain... something to look forward to this winter! But not before my trip back to California... it's been over a year since I've been back, and I cannot wait to return! Many things to do, places to see, and people to visit. It will be a much-needed mini-vacation. I also plan to head up to New York City... again... haha. Next weekend, Amanda and I are making our way up to see the NYC Ballet perform the Nutcracker - SO EXCITED! And then the week after, a close friend from UCLA (Meghan!) will be out to visit... and, surprise! I'm heading up to NYC again. haha. Can't keep myself away. Love that city! Just waiting for a couple other people in particular to make their way out here to show them the wonders of the Big Apple... *ahem* GREG *ahem* :]
So. It's Friday afternoon... and I'm at school. Maybe because this place is my second home... I feel oddly comfortable here. I had to drop by and finish an assignment and pick up some notes, and then I sat down at the computer and haven't had motivation to get up and walk home yet. I should probably head back soon... it's almost 5:30! Yikes. One more final to go... can't forget PHARM on Monday.. goodness. So close, I can almost taste it... mmm a cup of hot apple cider seems so perfect right about now....
(SIDE NOTE: for those who don't want to take the time to look up the meaning of the latin phrase in my title, it means "LEARN TO ENDURE". Quite fitting, if I do say so myself...)
Monday, November 16, 2009
reality. check.
SO. I wouldn't normally blog about the negative things that happen in my life, but what is life without a few set-backs? I can't paint a rosy picture for you all and pretend that I haven't encountered a few bumps (or ditches) along the way, and I feel like it's semi-therapeutic to share my experiences. Helps me to learn and grow. And most importantly, to move forward. Nothing worse than over-thinking situations and letting them stew... it only compounds the issue and prevents progression. Which is why I feel it necessary to get this out, and then I can hold myself more accountable and motivate myself to press on....
Last week in my clinical rotation, we started on a new unit - Postpartum. Most people immediately think "Postpartum = depressed patients" but this is not the case! Postpartum is the term used to describe the unit that cares for moms and their babies after they have delivered. Most patients are on the unit for 2-4 days, depending on the type of delivery (vaginal vs c-section) and related complications or concerns. This is a much different environment than L&D... slower paced, more monitoring and basic nursing care (comfort measures) and routine assessments. It was a big adjustment, both in activity level and what we were focusing our attention on. I was assigned a patient who was stable and fairly knowledgeable with the expectations in postpartum following her c-section, and her husband was a great support - he was an RN so he was also watching for any concerning signs or symptoms to alert us. It made my first couple days a little more relaxed, but looking back, that probably wasn't the ideal first postpartum patient experience for me. I've figured out how I learn best - hands on, in the moment, addressing issues as they are presented and processing through their implications. It's much harder for me to take information from the book or lecture and apply it without prior exposure to the situation. So.. on Friday, I had my midterm evaluation with my clinical instructor, and she brought up some concerns she had with my prioritizing and care of my patient, mostly related to my ability to assess my patient as a whole and think critically regarding any and all issues that might be of concern to us while she is under our care in the hospital. In my defense, it was only my first couple days and I hadn't had any prior experience in postpartum so I wasn't well-versed on the major concerns and issues of that unit, but she did have a point. And it really knocked some sense into me. Yes, I finally had my break-down and a good cry in the nurse's lounge, it was bound to happen, but most of all I was grateful. My instructor took the time to point out areas where I need to improve, and if I have any desire to be the best nurse I can be, I must be willing to hear feedback and then (most importantly) apply it to my practice. It wasn't so much a smack in the face as it was a wake-up call. I have been doing quite well in this program, and I haven't had anyone challenge me to work harder to reach my potential. My last rotation in Psych was not a great indicator of what is to be expected of us as nursing students - I lowered my expectations of myself and my work ethic suffered. I sunk back into old habits and wasn't focused on the bigger picture - that what I am learning here and how I choose to practice will translate into my work as a nurse. If I don't learn how to effectively care for my patients in this environment, how can I expect myself to perform with confidence as an RN? So I made that clear to my instructor - we may only have 2 weeks left of clinical in postpartum, but I have committed to myself and to her to extend myself beyond my comfort zone and push myself to think outside the box and care for my patients accordingly. I also explained to her how I can learn best in the clinical environment and asked her to help me by challenging me to look past what is in front of me and consider alternative explanations for any values or assessments that I might come across. So although I might have been disappointed in myself and the level of effort I had been putting forth, I was grateful that I had this chance to take a very critical look at my performance in order to make necessary adjustments. It's so much harder (near impossible, I believe) to grow and progress if you don't have someone pointing out areas where you can improve. Self-evaluation can only go so far.... outside input is what really drives change. Yeah, it was hard to hear... but now I am motivated to live up to my potential, because I know I am capable of so much more than this!! And with that said... only a few more weeks left in this semester to finish strong, then it's holiday break! THEN will be my time to relax and breathe. Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week... ahh don't even get me started!
I also have a little bit of an update: I've expressed how interested I have become in L&D, but it has become a recent decision to pursue a career in that field. I haven't been so sure of a decision for a while... I know the Lord is guiding me and nudging me along, and He has helped me to realize how passionate I am about this specific environment in medicine. Yes, I love working with teenagers, and maybe I can adapt my work to include care for teenagers in the future, but I feel like I have found my calling - as a nurse midwife! It's going to be a long process, but I am eager and excited about the road ahead of me. It's been a long time since I've really been excited about what I am working towards... reminds me of when I first started nursing school. Now that I realize what I want to pursue, it makes preparation so much more enjoyable. I love studying about the aspects of women's health related to pregnancy, so much that I am slightly overwhelming my schedule next semester so that I can take a class to learn about caring for the neonate. I know my life outside school is going to be non-existent come January, but it will be worth it! I am actually much more productive when I have a busy schedule... pressure to get things done, and helps me keep school at the front of my mind. Besides, winter in Baltimore probably won't be so pleasant... I'll be stuck inside anyways, might make the most of it right? haha. Not so excited about that. But this will be my last classroom-intensive semester of school! How did it go by so quickly...? I'm almost half-way there! Yikes. With that said, I need to go get my study on... had a wonderful past weekend escape to New York City with Amanda, just relaxing and enjoying our time together with our friends up there. Much-needed time to refocus and get back on track. So let's start this week off right.... and if I don't get on here before next Thursday, HAPPY TURKEY DAY!! Wish all of you an enjoyable holiday with your families, and of course, enjoy the pumpkin pie....
Last week in my clinical rotation, we started on a new unit - Postpartum. Most people immediately think "Postpartum = depressed patients" but this is not the case! Postpartum is the term used to describe the unit that cares for moms and their babies after they have delivered. Most patients are on the unit for 2-4 days, depending on the type of delivery (vaginal vs c-section) and related complications or concerns. This is a much different environment than L&D... slower paced, more monitoring and basic nursing care (comfort measures) and routine assessments. It was a big adjustment, both in activity level and what we were focusing our attention on. I was assigned a patient who was stable and fairly knowledgeable with the expectations in postpartum following her c-section, and her husband was a great support - he was an RN so he was also watching for any concerning signs or symptoms to alert us. It made my first couple days a little more relaxed, but looking back, that probably wasn't the ideal first postpartum patient experience for me. I've figured out how I learn best - hands on, in the moment, addressing issues as they are presented and processing through their implications. It's much harder for me to take information from the book or lecture and apply it without prior exposure to the situation. So.. on Friday, I had my midterm evaluation with my clinical instructor, and she brought up some concerns she had with my prioritizing and care of my patient, mostly related to my ability to assess my patient as a whole and think critically regarding any and all issues that might be of concern to us while she is under our care in the hospital. In my defense, it was only my first couple days and I hadn't had any prior experience in postpartum so I wasn't well-versed on the major concerns and issues of that unit, but she did have a point. And it really knocked some sense into me. Yes, I finally had my break-down and a good cry in the nurse's lounge, it was bound to happen, but most of all I was grateful. My instructor took the time to point out areas where I need to improve, and if I have any desire to be the best nurse I can be, I must be willing to hear feedback and then (most importantly) apply it to my practice. It wasn't so much a smack in the face as it was a wake-up call. I have been doing quite well in this program, and I haven't had anyone challenge me to work harder to reach my potential. My last rotation in Psych was not a great indicator of what is to be expected of us as nursing students - I lowered my expectations of myself and my work ethic suffered. I sunk back into old habits and wasn't focused on the bigger picture - that what I am learning here and how I choose to practice will translate into my work as a nurse. If I don't learn how to effectively care for my patients in this environment, how can I expect myself to perform with confidence as an RN? So I made that clear to my instructor - we may only have 2 weeks left of clinical in postpartum, but I have committed to myself and to her to extend myself beyond my comfort zone and push myself to think outside the box and care for my patients accordingly. I also explained to her how I can learn best in the clinical environment and asked her to help me by challenging me to look past what is in front of me and consider alternative explanations for any values or assessments that I might come across. So although I might have been disappointed in myself and the level of effort I had been putting forth, I was grateful that I had this chance to take a very critical look at my performance in order to make necessary adjustments. It's so much harder (near impossible, I believe) to grow and progress if you don't have someone pointing out areas where you can improve. Self-evaluation can only go so far.... outside input is what really drives change. Yeah, it was hard to hear... but now I am motivated to live up to my potential, because I know I am capable of so much more than this!! And with that said... only a few more weeks left in this semester to finish strong, then it's holiday break! THEN will be my time to relax and breathe. Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week... ahh don't even get me started!
I also have a little bit of an update: I've expressed how interested I have become in L&D, but it has become a recent decision to pursue a career in that field. I haven't been so sure of a decision for a while... I know the Lord is guiding me and nudging me along, and He has helped me to realize how passionate I am about this specific environment in medicine. Yes, I love working with teenagers, and maybe I can adapt my work to include care for teenagers in the future, but I feel like I have found my calling - as a nurse midwife! It's going to be a long process, but I am eager and excited about the road ahead of me. It's been a long time since I've really been excited about what I am working towards... reminds me of when I first started nursing school. Now that I realize what I want to pursue, it makes preparation so much more enjoyable. I love studying about the aspects of women's health related to pregnancy, so much that I am slightly overwhelming my schedule next semester so that I can take a class to learn about caring for the neonate. I know my life outside school is going to be non-existent come January, but it will be worth it! I am actually much more productive when I have a busy schedule... pressure to get things done, and helps me keep school at the front of my mind. Besides, winter in Baltimore probably won't be so pleasant... I'll be stuck inside anyways, might make the most of it right? haha. Not so excited about that. But this will be my last classroom-intensive semester of school! How did it go by so quickly...? I'm almost half-way there! Yikes. With that said, I need to go get my study on... had a wonderful past weekend escape to New York City with Amanda, just relaxing and enjoying our time together with our friends up there. Much-needed time to refocus and get back on track. So let's start this week off right.... and if I don't get on here before next Thursday, HAPPY TURKEY DAY!! Wish all of you an enjoyable holiday with your families, and of course, enjoy the pumpkin pie....
Sunday, November 1, 2009
season of change...
It has truly shifted to fall here in Baltimore... green trees have given way to beautiful shades of amber, gold, and crimson dotting the surrounding mountains. I have loved driving the winding back roads of the Maryland country side just to take advantage of the natural beauty of this region. I feel so blessed.. I love seasons! Not sure how prepared I am for the winter that is sure to follow this mediocre fall weather, but it's coming whether or not I am ready for it! So I am trying to enjoy all that this season has to offer, including the start of the holiday season. Yesterday was Halloween, and it was (albeit rainy and cold) an enjoyable evening and celebration in Charm City (aka B-more). Amanda and I were able to make our way out to the cobblestone streets of Fells Point (my neighborhood) for the festivities last night, and it drew out quite the eclectic crowd! We mainly enjoyed the opportunity to people-watch, as there were plenty of costumes to gawk at.... people never cease to amaze me! I dressed up as a ladybug and Amanda as a bumble bee - we were quite the twosome, and were proud of how classy and cute our costumes turned out to be! My high heels were not the most favorable shoes for the cobblestone streets however... I was grateful that I didn't injure myself as a result of walking the streets - I'm positive that there was some unfortunate girl who woke up with an ankle swollen two sizes this morning. We called it an early night, after a very long week and I was very appreciative of the extra time to sleep - the only reason I like the end of Daylight Savings Time! Now I have early darkness to look forward too... it's only 5 pm as I am writing this, and it's already dark outside! Oh winter, how I loathe thee..... at least I have holidays to look forward to! Only a few more weeks and I'll be on a plane back to Utah for Thanksgiving... I can't wait!! Maybe get some snowboarding in if I'm lucky.... but until then, I have plenty to focus on and worry about with school, which has been keeping me very busy over the past couple weeks! I'm sure you're eager to hear about my recent adventures, so without any further adieu....
The past couple weeks have been quite the whirlwind, to say the least! I'm sure you're eager to hear about how my transition has been into the Labor & Delivery clinical... I really don't even know where to begin! We started our new rotation last Thursday, and I remember the feelings of anxiousness and nervousness as I walked onto the unit for the first time... I had been in Psych for 7 weeks, never seeing an IV stand or Foley catheter, so imagine my nervousness when our instructor informed us that we needed to be prepared for these skills when we were assigned patients on Friday! I was hoping that I would remember the steps and how to maintain a sterile field... just picturing opening up a catheter kit and then having my patient kick it off the bed in the middle of a contraction. Okay, so I knew that probably wouldn't happen, but I was still picturing the worst. The field of L&D seems so unknown to me, and I was unsure of how my presence in the room would affect the experience for the new mother and her family, and I felt a load of pressure on me! Our instructor gave us clear instructions on what to expect and how we needed to prepare in order to participate in nursing care of our laboring patients, and I was a tad bit overwhelmed. I think not having a clear understanding of the labor process really affected my outlook, so I made sure to study that night in order to better prepare for what was to come on Friday morning. Unfortunately... nothing in a book can adequately depict the environment that you're thrown into as a nurse for a laboring patient! So, as we walked into the unit on Friday, I was caught a bit off-guard as our instructor threw a few of us into our patient's rooms first thing! No orientation? No warm-up period? I got report on my patient - gravida 1, parity 0000 (her first pregnancy) who had gone into labor the day before and had an epidural started early that morning so she was resting comfortably. I walked into the darkened room and introduced myself... the girl was sleeping with her mother sitting at her side and the baby's father sleeping on the couch. I sat off to the side, quietly observing the monitors and the patterns of contractions and the fetal heart rate (FHR) on the print-out strip, trying to apply the material I had looked at the night before to the real-life scenario playing out right in front of me. For a while, I sat in pure awe - medical technology never ceases to amaze me. I could watch a computer monitor and follow the tracing of contractions and how it affected the baby's heart rate. Incredible. Such simple things... but it made me realize how grateful I am to live in a country where such technology is so standard. I spent the morning monitoring my patient and her baby, and was grateful that the nurse had time to share some insight into the foreign language of L&D. Thankfully (for me) my patient was progressing through her labor quite slowly, and so there weren't many changes to her status other than the constant progression of her cervical dilation and effacement. I was hoping for a delivery, but was a tad grateful that I had another week to better prepare myself for the delivery atmosphere. One of the girls in my group was able to participate in a delivery that day, and hearing about her experience gave me a better understanding of what to expect and how to be of assistance in that situation. However, as much as I read up and prepared for the scenario in which I would undoubtedly be witness to, nothing can prepare better than first-hand experience. With that said, I'm sure you can guess where this is going... :] This past Thursday, I was put into my patient's room, her third pregnancy and she was 6 cm dilated, 80% effaced. Her husband and mother were in the room, and I introduced myself and learned that they were an Orthodox Jewish family, which I was completely unfamiliar with, when it comes to traditional expectations. I tried to be as supportive as possible, but gave them their privacy to prepare for the arrival of their son/daughter - they had left it as a surprise! I stood outside at the nurse's station, monitoring the FHR and contraction pattern from the screens, and had the opportunity to observe the staff as they busied themselves about the unit. As I stood there, amidst the flurry of nurses and anesthesiologists and OB physicians, I started to picture myself in that environment - and I really felt a sense of belonging. I really enjoy the atmosphere of L&D, and the role that the nurse plays in the patient care, so much so that I am giving it serious consideration as a possible field to work in! Getting a master's degree and becoming a Certified Nurse Midwife... I could really enjoy that position and responsibility. I'm still keeping my eyes and options open, but that is one path I NEVER expected to consider pursuing. So I'll keep you updated on that! But back to my patient... unfortunately, my patient's husband was a bit on the over-involved side, and every time I came in the room he pressured me for information about ever flashing light and beeping monitor, wondering if there was anything wrong with his wife or the baby. I kept reassuring him that everything was progressing as it should and that there was no reason to be concerned, and he was grateful for that. I found out later that one of the physicians had told him that the baby should be delivered by 5 or 6 in the morning, and now it was closing in on 11, so he was worried that the labor was taking longer than it should. Thankfully my instructor was there to provide some reassurance and inform him that he had no reason to worry, that baby and mom were doing just fine. I was grateful for that! Because her labor was not progressing as they would like, the doctors started her on Pitocin and hoped that her contractions would develop into a more regular pattern (they were only 5-7 minutes apart, lasting 50-90 seconds) and decided to grab some food while I was waiting. I didn't have much time to wait... I heard that there was some commotion coming from my room, and I rushed back to my patient's side (literally - her husband was waiting outside) and helped her through the (relatively) quick delivery of her son! It was a "beautiful" experience... it all happened so quickly (she delivered about 20 minutes after she reached full dilation) and I was there, a part of the entire process. Her baby was delivered, 8 lbs 8 oz with a full head of hair and some mighty powerful lungs! He wouldn't stop wailing for about 45 minutes after he was delivered, and he made it very difficult for us to clean him up and administer his medications. But I did it - I gave my first shot and took his vitals and was able to do a quick assessment before handing him back over to mom. It was a rush - it took me a while to really process the entire experience, but I felt so grateful to have been a part of it. Words can't adequately describe the emotion and feeling of being present for the delivery of a new spirit into this world... I can't imagine what it will be like when I have children of my own! All in all, it was a fantastic first birthing experience, and I am really interested in the option of becoming a nurse midwife... we'll see how things go over the next few weeks! As for Friday, without going into a long, detailed description of my clinical day, I will say that the OB wing of the hospital is never boring... I spent the morning in the NICU, assisting with the care of the premature infants and those with congenital problems - I have definitely ruled that unit out! The little babies, as cute as they were, frighten me.. any little change in their status or care can have such dramatic effects on their health. It is a very quiet and controlled environment... I like the action of the L&D unit. Speaking of... as I was returning to the unit from the NICU, I was rushed into the first room to help care for a woman who had delivered her baby in the hallway after arriving on the ambulance! The paramedics stood by in a state of shock after what they had just witnessed, and I pushed through to help care for the baby. The doctors and nurses worked to treat the mom, and I focused on baby. Thankfully the little baby girl was healthy and happy - 8lbs 10oz! I guess she was just ready to see the world... couldn't wait until her due date in a couple weeks! Mom said it was her fourth child, and she had just started labor a few hours earlier. Wouldn't that be nice... one minute you're waking up for the day, next you're arriving at the hospital for the delivery of your daughter! It was an exciting mash of people in and out of the room, everything in order and treated as need be treated. I was able to give the baby girl her meds and assess her vitals before handing her back over to a somewhat disillusioned mom... I think she was still in a state of shock. haha. In the end, mom and baby were just fine, and I left them to rest after a very exhausting morning. What a couple days! Never a truly dull moment... even in the quiet, the constant FHR monitor sounds of the baby's heart beat remind you of what you're caring for, and it is a special role to play. We'll see how the coming weeks turn out... I feel lucky to have been a part of two deliveries, as some girls in my group haven't seen one yet! I'm hoping to be able to follow a patient to the OR for a C-section, but I don't know if that will happen... we haven't had a patient go into the OR yet during our clinical hours. I still have some time left though! It may be November, but we are only a couple weeks into our 6-week OB rotation (three of which will be spent in postpartum). I can only imagine what the coming weeks have in store for me...
Wow. This has been quite the entry! I guess I am just really excited about the experiences that I've had over the past couple weeks... I feel like I'm still processing what I was a part of. So much left to learn! I feel like I've only reached the tip of the iceberg... but I'm loving the progression and acquisition of knowledge. It is a fascinating environment, and I'm realizing more and more how much I enjoy being a part of a specialized focus, so I'm trying to learn more about this field and my available options and opportunities. I will make sure to keep you updated! But for now, I have to get back to my Pharm studying... test #3 this week, and then I have to write up my L&D care plan for my patient... it's going to be a LONG and busy week... but I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am that I am not dreading the work I will have to contribute! How pleasantly reassuring it is to find my niche, and discover my individuality and independence in this oftentimes overwhelming environment. I am just grateful that I have been blessed with a passion for this type of service, and look forward to my future... it won't be long now... 9 more months and I'll be an RN! And with that, I'll leave you until next time.. happy start of the holiday season to you all!!
The past couple weeks have been quite the whirlwind, to say the least! I'm sure you're eager to hear about how my transition has been into the Labor & Delivery clinical... I really don't even know where to begin! We started our new rotation last Thursday, and I remember the feelings of anxiousness and nervousness as I walked onto the unit for the first time... I had been in Psych for 7 weeks, never seeing an IV stand or Foley catheter, so imagine my nervousness when our instructor informed us that we needed to be prepared for these skills when we were assigned patients on Friday! I was hoping that I would remember the steps and how to maintain a sterile field... just picturing opening up a catheter kit and then having my patient kick it off the bed in the middle of a contraction. Okay, so I knew that probably wouldn't happen, but I was still picturing the worst. The field of L&D seems so unknown to me, and I was unsure of how my presence in the room would affect the experience for the new mother and her family, and I felt a load of pressure on me! Our instructor gave us clear instructions on what to expect and how we needed to prepare in order to participate in nursing care of our laboring patients, and I was a tad bit overwhelmed. I think not having a clear understanding of the labor process really affected my outlook, so I made sure to study that night in order to better prepare for what was to come on Friday morning. Unfortunately... nothing in a book can adequately depict the environment that you're thrown into as a nurse for a laboring patient! So, as we walked into the unit on Friday, I was caught a bit off-guard as our instructor threw a few of us into our patient's rooms first thing! No orientation? No warm-up period? I got report on my patient - gravida 1, parity 0000 (her first pregnancy) who had gone into labor the day before and had an epidural started early that morning so she was resting comfortably. I walked into the darkened room and introduced myself... the girl was sleeping with her mother sitting at her side and the baby's father sleeping on the couch. I sat off to the side, quietly observing the monitors and the patterns of contractions and the fetal heart rate (FHR) on the print-out strip, trying to apply the material I had looked at the night before to the real-life scenario playing out right in front of me. For a while, I sat in pure awe - medical technology never ceases to amaze me. I could watch a computer monitor and follow the tracing of contractions and how it affected the baby's heart rate. Incredible. Such simple things... but it made me realize how grateful I am to live in a country where such technology is so standard. I spent the morning monitoring my patient and her baby, and was grateful that the nurse had time to share some insight into the foreign language of L&D. Thankfully (for me) my patient was progressing through her labor quite slowly, and so there weren't many changes to her status other than the constant progression of her cervical dilation and effacement. I was hoping for a delivery, but was a tad grateful that I had another week to better prepare myself for the delivery atmosphere. One of the girls in my group was able to participate in a delivery that day, and hearing about her experience gave me a better understanding of what to expect and how to be of assistance in that situation. However, as much as I read up and prepared for the scenario in which I would undoubtedly be witness to, nothing can prepare better than first-hand experience. With that said, I'm sure you can guess where this is going... :] This past Thursday, I was put into my patient's room, her third pregnancy and she was 6 cm dilated, 80% effaced. Her husband and mother were in the room, and I introduced myself and learned that they were an Orthodox Jewish family, which I was completely unfamiliar with, when it comes to traditional expectations. I tried to be as supportive as possible, but gave them their privacy to prepare for the arrival of their son/daughter - they had left it as a surprise! I stood outside at the nurse's station, monitoring the FHR and contraction pattern from the screens, and had the opportunity to observe the staff as they busied themselves about the unit. As I stood there, amidst the flurry of nurses and anesthesiologists and OB physicians, I started to picture myself in that environment - and I really felt a sense of belonging. I really enjoy the atmosphere of L&D, and the role that the nurse plays in the patient care, so much so that I am giving it serious consideration as a possible field to work in! Getting a master's degree and becoming a Certified Nurse Midwife... I could really enjoy that position and responsibility. I'm still keeping my eyes and options open, but that is one path I NEVER expected to consider pursuing. So I'll keep you updated on that! But back to my patient... unfortunately, my patient's husband was a bit on the over-involved side, and every time I came in the room he pressured me for information about ever flashing light and beeping monitor, wondering if there was anything wrong with his wife or the baby. I kept reassuring him that everything was progressing as it should and that there was no reason to be concerned, and he was grateful for that. I found out later that one of the physicians had told him that the baby should be delivered by 5 or 6 in the morning, and now it was closing in on 11, so he was worried that the labor was taking longer than it should. Thankfully my instructor was there to provide some reassurance and inform him that he had no reason to worry, that baby and mom were doing just fine. I was grateful for that! Because her labor was not progressing as they would like, the doctors started her on Pitocin and hoped that her contractions would develop into a more regular pattern (they were only 5-7 minutes apart, lasting 50-90 seconds) and decided to grab some food while I was waiting. I didn't have much time to wait... I heard that there was some commotion coming from my room, and I rushed back to my patient's side (literally - her husband was waiting outside) and helped her through the (relatively) quick delivery of her son! It was a "beautiful" experience... it all happened so quickly (she delivered about 20 minutes after she reached full dilation) and I was there, a part of the entire process. Her baby was delivered, 8 lbs 8 oz with a full head of hair and some mighty powerful lungs! He wouldn't stop wailing for about 45 minutes after he was delivered, and he made it very difficult for us to clean him up and administer his medications. But I did it - I gave my first shot and took his vitals and was able to do a quick assessment before handing him back over to mom. It was a rush - it took me a while to really process the entire experience, but I felt so grateful to have been a part of it. Words can't adequately describe the emotion and feeling of being present for the delivery of a new spirit into this world... I can't imagine what it will be like when I have children of my own! All in all, it was a fantastic first birthing experience, and I am really interested in the option of becoming a nurse midwife... we'll see how things go over the next few weeks! As for Friday, without going into a long, detailed description of my clinical day, I will say that the OB wing of the hospital is never boring... I spent the morning in the NICU, assisting with the care of the premature infants and those with congenital problems - I have definitely ruled that unit out! The little babies, as cute as they were, frighten me.. any little change in their status or care can have such dramatic effects on their health. It is a very quiet and controlled environment... I like the action of the L&D unit. Speaking of... as I was returning to the unit from the NICU, I was rushed into the first room to help care for a woman who had delivered her baby in the hallway after arriving on the ambulance! The paramedics stood by in a state of shock after what they had just witnessed, and I pushed through to help care for the baby. The doctors and nurses worked to treat the mom, and I focused on baby. Thankfully the little baby girl was healthy and happy - 8lbs 10oz! I guess she was just ready to see the world... couldn't wait until her due date in a couple weeks! Mom said it was her fourth child, and she had just started labor a few hours earlier. Wouldn't that be nice... one minute you're waking up for the day, next you're arriving at the hospital for the delivery of your daughter! It was an exciting mash of people in and out of the room, everything in order and treated as need be treated. I was able to give the baby girl her meds and assess her vitals before handing her back over to a somewhat disillusioned mom... I think she was still in a state of shock. haha. In the end, mom and baby were just fine, and I left them to rest after a very exhausting morning. What a couple days! Never a truly dull moment... even in the quiet, the constant FHR monitor sounds of the baby's heart beat remind you of what you're caring for, and it is a special role to play. We'll see how the coming weeks turn out... I feel lucky to have been a part of two deliveries, as some girls in my group haven't seen one yet! I'm hoping to be able to follow a patient to the OR for a C-section, but I don't know if that will happen... we haven't had a patient go into the OR yet during our clinical hours. I still have some time left though! It may be November, but we are only a couple weeks into our 6-week OB rotation (three of which will be spent in postpartum). I can only imagine what the coming weeks have in store for me...
Wow. This has been quite the entry! I guess I am just really excited about the experiences that I've had over the past couple weeks... I feel like I'm still processing what I was a part of. So much left to learn! I feel like I've only reached the tip of the iceberg... but I'm loving the progression and acquisition of knowledge. It is a fascinating environment, and I'm realizing more and more how much I enjoy being a part of a specialized focus, so I'm trying to learn more about this field and my available options and opportunities. I will make sure to keep you updated! But for now, I have to get back to my Pharm studying... test #3 this week, and then I have to write up my L&D care plan for my patient... it's going to be a LONG and busy week... but I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am that I am not dreading the work I will have to contribute! How pleasantly reassuring it is to find my niche, and discover my individuality and independence in this oftentimes overwhelming environment. I am just grateful that I have been blessed with a passion for this type of service, and look forward to my future... it won't be long now... 9 more months and I'll be an RN! And with that, I'll leave you until next time.. happy start of the holiday season to you all!!
[New York City]
[Central Park]
[Yankee Stadium - after they beat the Angels to advance to the World Series!]
[Halloween bugs]
Sunday, October 18, 2009
half-way there!
Is it really mid-October? Where have the days gone...? I find myself sitting in my room at the end of yet another week, just trying to process everything that I'm experiencing and learning... sometimes I feel that everything is speeding past me... I try to reach in and grab bits and pieces here and there, attempting to make sense of everything, but at times I feel like I'm not seeing the bigger picture. It's been a bit frustrating. I am trying to focus more on the underlying concepts, which will help me to grasp and understand the overall issue at hand, but it seems as though my brain is a bit overloaded right now. I need a breather! It's the middle of the semester, and I feel like I could use a vacation... can't wait for Thanksgiving in a month! Until then, I'm trying to buckle down and continue to push forward...
It's been a few weeks since my last update, so what is there to mention? School has been intense, as is to be expected... we just got through our second round of exams for midterm evaluations. I really have been enjoying Pharm, learning more about the drugs and how they affect the body systems. It fascinates me. One little pill can cause so many changes in the body... it's amazing how predictable chemical processes can be. I just wish that I had more time to sit down and study the drugs we've covered! As soon as we learn one class, we turn our attention to the next group. It seems a bit overwhelming at times, but I feel like I'm keeping up with the pace as best I can. I also enjoy attending the Patho classes, even though I'm not officially enrolled in the class... it's a helpful refresher course on disease processes. I really do love learning how the body reacts when faced with illness... whether it be renal failure or HIV or respiratory distress. I just hope that I can learn how to incorporate this knowledge into the assessments of my patients! That's the big challenge that we face... it's one thing to regurgitate information onto the page of an exam, but a completely different test altogether to recognize it in our patients. I just hope that I can develop a more confident outlook on my abilities to recognize the important nursing diagnoses in those I am asked to care for!
As this is the first end of the first 7 week of the semester, I finished my Psych rotation on Friday, which was bittersweet. Our group LOVED our instructor and our site, and we will miss it!! The staff were all so willing to help us and answer our questions, and gave us a great first impression of the Psychiatric unit. It was much different than what I expected, and I actually really enjoyed having an opportunity to really talk to my patients and connect to them on a more personal level rather than focusing on treating their symptoms. It's a real test, to see what you can offer a patient without the assistance of any medical interventions. I wouldn't be opposed to working on a Psych unit, with adolescents... I'm keeping an open mind. But now it's on to Labor & Delivery... we start at our new hospital site this coming week, and I'm a bit anxious! It's been a couple months since I learned all the basic nursing skills that I will have to use while I'm working with the mothers and their newborns. I know that we are going to go over all our expected duties before we are asked to perform them, but it is still a bit intimidating... the infants are so tiny and fragile! I look forward to our nursery assignments, where our main assignment is to hold the babies... I don't think I'll have much to worry about with that. I know that we'll also be in the delivery room, so that will be quite the experience to look forward to! Definitely new for me. I know that I'll adjust to this new environment, but it's going to require a shift in my critical thinking skills... I developed more confidence in myself while working on the Psych unit, and I hope that it will translate over to L&D!
Although life seems to revolve around school, I really have found a niche for myself in this city of Baltimore. It amazes me how comfortable I am in my surroundings now, and I am very happy with how I have transitioned to living on the East Coast. I will say that I am not looking forward to the winters here... we've had a bit of a cold spell the past few days, temperatures in the mid-40s with a light misting rain.... quite miserable actually. Thankfully it is supposed to warm up to the mid-60s this week, so I can defrost before the real winter weather sets in! I have been trying to get out and explore the cities that I can, so this past Monday I made my way up to Philadelphia with a friend. It was a fun city to get out and explore - saw Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, had a Philly cheesesteak from Geno's (and Pat's), and ran up the museum stairs like Rocky. It was quite the blend of history and culture. I stood in awe of Independence Hall... standing in that room where our country was conceived in the last 1700s... I don't think I will ever comprehend how much I appreciate those men and their sacrifices. They risked their lives and they did it all on faith that they would be successful in their attempts to develop a country that would stand for the freedom and rights of its citizens. Sometimes I wonder if we've lost sight of that dream... but I'm not about to get political on my blog! haha. But I am forever grateful for their efforts. And with that said, I'll leave you... for now... wish me luck this week!!
It's been a few weeks since my last update, so what is there to mention? School has been intense, as is to be expected... we just got through our second round of exams for midterm evaluations. I really have been enjoying Pharm, learning more about the drugs and how they affect the body systems. It fascinates me. One little pill can cause so many changes in the body... it's amazing how predictable chemical processes can be. I just wish that I had more time to sit down and study the drugs we've covered! As soon as we learn one class, we turn our attention to the next group. It seems a bit overwhelming at times, but I feel like I'm keeping up with the pace as best I can. I also enjoy attending the Patho classes, even though I'm not officially enrolled in the class... it's a helpful refresher course on disease processes. I really do love learning how the body reacts when faced with illness... whether it be renal failure or HIV or respiratory distress. I just hope that I can learn how to incorporate this knowledge into the assessments of my patients! That's the big challenge that we face... it's one thing to regurgitate information onto the page of an exam, but a completely different test altogether to recognize it in our patients. I just hope that I can develop a more confident outlook on my abilities to recognize the important nursing diagnoses in those I am asked to care for!
As this is the first end of the first 7 week of the semester, I finished my Psych rotation on Friday, which was bittersweet. Our group LOVED our instructor and our site, and we will miss it!! The staff were all so willing to help us and answer our questions, and gave us a great first impression of the Psychiatric unit. It was much different than what I expected, and I actually really enjoyed having an opportunity to really talk to my patients and connect to them on a more personal level rather than focusing on treating their symptoms. It's a real test, to see what you can offer a patient without the assistance of any medical interventions. I wouldn't be opposed to working on a Psych unit, with adolescents... I'm keeping an open mind. But now it's on to Labor & Delivery... we start at our new hospital site this coming week, and I'm a bit anxious! It's been a couple months since I learned all the basic nursing skills that I will have to use while I'm working with the mothers and their newborns. I know that we are going to go over all our expected duties before we are asked to perform them, but it is still a bit intimidating... the infants are so tiny and fragile! I look forward to our nursery assignments, where our main assignment is to hold the babies... I don't think I'll have much to worry about with that. I know that we'll also be in the delivery room, so that will be quite the experience to look forward to! Definitely new for me. I know that I'll adjust to this new environment, but it's going to require a shift in my critical thinking skills... I developed more confidence in myself while working on the Psych unit, and I hope that it will translate over to L&D!
Although life seems to revolve around school, I really have found a niche for myself in this city of Baltimore. It amazes me how comfortable I am in my surroundings now, and I am very happy with how I have transitioned to living on the East Coast. I will say that I am not looking forward to the winters here... we've had a bit of a cold spell the past few days, temperatures in the mid-40s with a light misting rain.... quite miserable actually. Thankfully it is supposed to warm up to the mid-60s this week, so I can defrost before the real winter weather sets in! I have been trying to get out and explore the cities that I can, so this past Monday I made my way up to Philadelphia with a friend. It was a fun city to get out and explore - saw Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, had a Philly cheesesteak from Geno's (and Pat's), and ran up the museum stairs like Rocky. It was quite the blend of history and culture. I stood in awe of Independence Hall... standing in that room where our country was conceived in the last 1700s... I don't think I will ever comprehend how much I appreciate those men and their sacrifices. They risked their lives and they did it all on faith that they would be successful in their attempts to develop a country that would stand for the freedom and rights of its citizens. Sometimes I wonder if we've lost sight of that dream... but I'm not about to get political on my blog! haha. But I am forever grateful for their efforts. And with that said, I'll leave you... for now... wish me luck this week!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Wonderful World of JHH!
Wow... it's weeks like these that make me appreciate being a student at the [#1 hospital] in the country! (click to the left for the proof of the ranking...) The resources and opportunities that are made available to us as students are quite incredible. I have to remind myself of the unique environment that I'm in and not take it for granted. Hopkins is on the forefront of new developments in medical procedures and hearing about innovative techniques is more-or-less a standard daily occurrence. Not many nursing students have the opportunity to witness headline news in the making!
Now onto my exciting recap... as I've mentioned, I'm in my psychiatric nursing rotation right now, focusing most on learning about therapeutic communication and the importance of developing and maintaining a trusting relationship with patients. Not only that, but I've also assessed how to recognize my own areas of "expertise" as well as limitations and what I need to improve upon as I work through the upcoming rotations. Having to sit with patients and process with them through their issues is quite challenging - the one thing I've been struggling with is how to keep my mouth shut and let them work through their problems as they talk to me. My first instinct is to provide a solution - to offer my opinion on how they should solve their problems... and while in some situations it may be important to offer ideas and alternatives, in most cases it will benefit the patients if they come up with their own answers to their lives' problems. For one, this gives them responsibility and accountability to themselves, but also it doesn't allow the patient to blame us if things don't work out exactly as planned. It's an interesting balance, and I'm still figuring out how to best help those that I interact with. Last week, my patient was diagnosed with severe depression (Major Depression Disorder, or MDD) and after a month of outpatient therapy, it was quite obvious he was getting worse. He was an older man, and he was slowly starving himself... and then his wife admitted him to the ER one evening because she found out that he hadn't been taking his medications. He is the sweetest man, and it was so difficult to try to figure out a main underlying issue behind his depression. We then learned in rounds with the physicians that they had suggested the idea of ECT as an alternative form of treatment - Electroconvulsive Therapy. Many people are more familiar with the term "Shock Treatment" and, in effect, this is what it is... but most people associate this term with an archaic, underground "torture" and I am here to dispel any misunderstandings of what is a very effective form of treatment for depression. It was initially developed as a treatment for schizophrenia, but doctors learned after many clinical trials that it was not helping as much as they had hoped... and then, on accident, they discovered its potential with severely depressed patients who are not responding to drugs. In short, the brain does not produce enough serotonin or norepinephrine (neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of euphoria) in those people with depression. Antidepressants work to stimulate further release of these NTs or work on receptors to keep what NTs they do have in the synapse longer in order to increase the time of activation and response in the neurons (I hope that makes sense). Although doctors don't quite understand every working biological detail behind ECT, the general understanding is that it induces a grand mal seizure which stimulates the release of serotonin and norepinephrine in large amounts into the brain, thereby acting as a "natural" antidepressant as it is the body's own "natural" response to produce larger amounts of these NTs. It's fascinating, I think... and I had the opportunity to go with my patient down to his third ECT treatment (they usually have 6-12 treatments in total). I had time to talk with him before and did my best to reduce some of his anxiety prior to his procedure. The treatment itself lasted only a few minutes, and was completely controlled - they administer a muscle relaxant in order to prevent the body from full convulsions. The most incredible part of the entire experience was my interaction with him after the procedure - I had the opportunity to help him reorient, and I talked to him about some of the things we had discussed prior to the procedure (his interests and life at home). He had been very despondent and withdrawn from our conversation, and although very respectful as he responded to my questions, it was obvious that he was not engaged. Afterwards, he actually smiled as he asked me a couple questions about my background! I was caught off-guard... but so pleasantly surprised by the immediacy of the improvement in his affect and mood, however slight it was. Since that, I have followed-up with him as he has undergone additional treatments and he is making steady progression forward. We were so excited to hear him talk about how hungry he was as he finished off his entire plate of french toast :] This is why I love medicine - seeing first-hand how our efforts, no matter the methods, can truly change the lives of our patients.
I'll try not to go into much detail about the next experience... I don't want to keep you here all day! This past Wednesday in my Faith & Health class we were fortunate to have 3 guests come in to speak with us - Dr. Laura Taylor, a professor at JHUSON who is doing research on how spirituality plays a role in transplantation, a nurse transplant coordinator at JHH, and a recent kidney transplant recipient. I'm not sure if many of you watch Grey's Anatomy, but I will admit that it is one of my favorite shows, and when they started talking about this specific transplant story I immediately thought of an episode last season on Grey's - only to learn that the writers took this story and rewrote it for the show! Hopkins really does make headlines... and here are a couple about the story, to give you better background:
Wow. The sheer logistics behind this comprehensive scenario just sends my head spinning. But it was a success, and all patients are doing well! The man that came in to talk to us, Mr. Imes, works for the facilities department at the hospital. His part of the story was touching - the Director of Human Resources, Pamela Paulk, asked him one day in passing if he needed anything, and he jokingly responded "A kidney!" He had been undergoing dialysis 3x each week for 3 years and it was taking its toll... a few months later she informed him that she had undergone testing and was interested in donating her kidney to him! Unfortunately, she was not a suitable match, so they were thrown into this huge mix of "domino donations." He ended up receiving his kidney from an anonymous donor in Oklahoma, and her kidney went to another woman. He was such a humble man, and our class was very appreciative of the chance to ask him questions about his experience. The transplant coordinator was also very forthcoming with her perspectives surrounding organ donation, expressing that she has developed a greater sense of spirituality after becoming involved with this process. Her experiences, watching a kidney removed from one person and transplanted into another to see it start up and work immediately, have more or less proven the existence of some higher being. And it's true - looking inside the human body, it's hard for me to understand how it just "happened" - it works too perfectly to have merely evolved. But that's my opinion :] Live kidney transplants have a much higher success rate, but not many people are so willing to give up one of their working organs... even though our body can work just as well with only one! So to have 8 simultaneous healthy donors come forward in this giant mix, no matter their reasons (whether for a family member or a friend), is just amazing. Organ donation is an amazing blessing that we are able to utilize, giving a new lease on life for many who have no other options. I am an advocate for the importance of organ donation, and encourage all to look into the benefits and, most importantly, to discuss it with your families. The statistics are staggering surrounding organ donation... the list of those needing organs grows each day, but unfortunately many viable organs are unable to be used because people are confronted with the questions of donation in their darkest hours. These topics of conversation will never be easy to have, but if decisions are understood and made as families, it will be easier to answer those questions if need be. And that's my soap box moment for the day!
I can't wait for my upcoming clinical rotations... Labor & Delivery starts in a few weeks, and then next semester is Med/Surg and Pediatrics. I can only imagine the experiences I will undoubtedly have! I feel like a kid in a candy store... I want to be involved with everything, to experience these incredible stories and witness medical miracles as they happen. I am excited for the chance to see different aspects of the hospital before I make the decision as to which direction I want to head after I graduate. Only 10 more months...! Well, I've definitely flooded you with much to read today, so I'll leave you now! I'm off to enjoy the rest of September, I hope you do the same!
Now onto my exciting recap... as I've mentioned, I'm in my psychiatric nursing rotation right now, focusing most on learning about therapeutic communication and the importance of developing and maintaining a trusting relationship with patients. Not only that, but I've also assessed how to recognize my own areas of "expertise" as well as limitations and what I need to improve upon as I work through the upcoming rotations. Having to sit with patients and process with them through their issues is quite challenging - the one thing I've been struggling with is how to keep my mouth shut and let them work through their problems as they talk to me. My first instinct is to provide a solution - to offer my opinion on how they should solve their problems... and while in some situations it may be important to offer ideas and alternatives, in most cases it will benefit the patients if they come up with their own answers to their lives' problems. For one, this gives them responsibility and accountability to themselves, but also it doesn't allow the patient to blame us if things don't work out exactly as planned. It's an interesting balance, and I'm still figuring out how to best help those that I interact with. Last week, my patient was diagnosed with severe depression (Major Depression Disorder, or MDD) and after a month of outpatient therapy, it was quite obvious he was getting worse. He was an older man, and he was slowly starving himself... and then his wife admitted him to the ER one evening because she found out that he hadn't been taking his medications. He is the sweetest man, and it was so difficult to try to figure out a main underlying issue behind his depression. We then learned in rounds with the physicians that they had suggested the idea of ECT as an alternative form of treatment - Electroconvulsive Therapy. Many people are more familiar with the term "Shock Treatment" and, in effect, this is what it is... but most people associate this term with an archaic, underground "torture" and I am here to dispel any misunderstandings of what is a very effective form of treatment for depression. It was initially developed as a treatment for schizophrenia, but doctors learned after many clinical trials that it was not helping as much as they had hoped... and then, on accident, they discovered its potential with severely depressed patients who are not responding to drugs. In short, the brain does not produce enough serotonin or norepinephrine (neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of euphoria) in those people with depression. Antidepressants work to stimulate further release of these NTs or work on receptors to keep what NTs they do have in the synapse longer in order to increase the time of activation and response in the neurons (I hope that makes sense). Although doctors don't quite understand every working biological detail behind ECT, the general understanding is that it induces a grand mal seizure which stimulates the release of serotonin and norepinephrine in large amounts into the brain, thereby acting as a "natural" antidepressant as it is the body's own "natural" response to produce larger amounts of these NTs. It's fascinating, I think... and I had the opportunity to go with my patient down to his third ECT treatment (they usually have 6-12 treatments in total). I had time to talk with him before and did my best to reduce some of his anxiety prior to his procedure. The treatment itself lasted only a few minutes, and was completely controlled - they administer a muscle relaxant in order to prevent the body from full convulsions. The most incredible part of the entire experience was my interaction with him after the procedure - I had the opportunity to help him reorient, and I talked to him about some of the things we had discussed prior to the procedure (his interests and life at home). He had been very despondent and withdrawn from our conversation, and although very respectful as he responded to my questions, it was obvious that he was not engaged. Afterwards, he actually smiled as he asked me a couple questions about my background! I was caught off-guard... but so pleasantly surprised by the immediacy of the improvement in his affect and mood, however slight it was. Since that, I have followed-up with him as he has undergone additional treatments and he is making steady progression forward. We were so excited to hear him talk about how hungry he was as he finished off his entire plate of french toast :] This is why I love medicine - seeing first-hand how our efforts, no matter the methods, can truly change the lives of our patients.
I'll try not to go into much detail about the next experience... I don't want to keep you here all day! This past Wednesday in my Faith & Health class we were fortunate to have 3 guests come in to speak with us - Dr. Laura Taylor, a professor at JHUSON who is doing research on how spirituality plays a role in transplantation, a nurse transplant coordinator at JHH, and a recent kidney transplant recipient. I'm not sure if many of you watch Grey's Anatomy, but I will admit that it is one of my favorite shows, and when they started talking about this specific transplant story I immediately thought of an episode last season on Grey's - only to learn that the writers took this story and rewrote it for the show! Hopkins really does make headlines... and here are a couple about the story, to give you better background:
Wow. The sheer logistics behind this comprehensive scenario just sends my head spinning. But it was a success, and all patients are doing well! The man that came in to talk to us, Mr. Imes, works for the facilities department at the hospital. His part of the story was touching - the Director of Human Resources, Pamela Paulk, asked him one day in passing if he needed anything, and he jokingly responded "A kidney!" He had been undergoing dialysis 3x each week for 3 years and it was taking its toll... a few months later she informed him that she had undergone testing and was interested in donating her kidney to him! Unfortunately, she was not a suitable match, so they were thrown into this huge mix of "domino donations." He ended up receiving his kidney from an anonymous donor in Oklahoma, and her kidney went to another woman. He was such a humble man, and our class was very appreciative of the chance to ask him questions about his experience. The transplant coordinator was also very forthcoming with her perspectives surrounding organ donation, expressing that she has developed a greater sense of spirituality after becoming involved with this process. Her experiences, watching a kidney removed from one person and transplanted into another to see it start up and work immediately, have more or less proven the existence of some higher being. And it's true - looking inside the human body, it's hard for me to understand how it just "happened" - it works too perfectly to have merely evolved. But that's my opinion :] Live kidney transplants have a much higher success rate, but not many people are so willing to give up one of their working organs... even though our body can work just as well with only one! So to have 8 simultaneous healthy donors come forward in this giant mix, no matter their reasons (whether for a family member or a friend), is just amazing. Organ donation is an amazing blessing that we are able to utilize, giving a new lease on life for many who have no other options. I am an advocate for the importance of organ donation, and encourage all to look into the benefits and, most importantly, to discuss it with your families. The statistics are staggering surrounding organ donation... the list of those needing organs grows each day, but unfortunately many viable organs are unable to be used because people are confronted with the questions of donation in their darkest hours. These topics of conversation will never be easy to have, but if decisions are understood and made as families, it will be easier to answer those questions if need be. And that's my soap box moment for the day!
I can't wait for my upcoming clinical rotations... Labor & Delivery starts in a few weeks, and then next semester is Med/Surg and Pediatrics. I can only imagine the experiences I will undoubtedly have! I feel like a kid in a candy store... I want to be involved with everything, to experience these incredible stories and witness medical miracles as they happen. I am excited for the chance to see different aspects of the hospital before I make the decision as to which direction I want to head after I graduate. Only 10 more months...! Well, I've definitely flooded you with much to read today, so I'll leave you now! I'm off to enjoy the rest of September, I hope you do the same!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
my heart is in Zambia today...
I woke up this morning (after only 4 hours of sleep) to tackle my first Pharmacology exam. I survived, and was quite proud of how much I seem to be retaining amidst the flurry of information that I am drowning in right now. Last semester, all our classes seemed to blend and integrate content, so that studying for one class was basically studying for another. This semester, although it may sometimes be the case, my courses are definitely more distinct and therefore I must divide my free hours to accommodate studying for each of my classes. Thankfully, the courses I am taking are not too intense (aside from Pharmacology) and all are quite captivating, so it is manageable. But as I get adjusted to life here in Baltimore, I'm finding it easier to get distracted by the place that I now call "home." Weekend nights are no longer reserved for endless studying... I love discovering new aspects of this city! Last weekend, I had one of my oldest and dearest friends out to visit and we made great use of our few short days together. We drove up to Gettysburg and explored the battlefields on horseback, with a guide detailing the immensity of those 3 days as we wound our way through the now-peaceful farmlands. What a scene to have beheld, I cannot even imagine... I was grateful that we were able to make our way to Washington DC a couple days later to see the Smithsonian's American History Museum, and get a better understanding of the history behind the battle and the Civil War itself. I feel that since I took my US History course junior year of high school, I have forgotten where this country developed from and what it was founded on... it was a much-needed reminder of the great sacrifices that have been made for us so that we may live in freedom today. Aside from delving into our country's historical roots, we also made time to check out the National Museum of Health and Medicine. Such a great experience! There were a few exhibits on display that I really appreciated having the opportunity to see, especially the one focusing on the work of those who serve in the trauma bays of the ongoing war in Iraq. Pretty incredible, to recognize and appreciate their efforts. Another interesting exhibit focused on President Lincoln, and they actually had the bullet on display that had been removed from his head after he died. Fascinating. Brenn and I were excited to see the remains of General Sickle's leg... a leader in the Civil War, he was on his horse during the Battle of Gettysburg and a cannonball hit his leg and severely fractured it so that it had to be amputated... and he decided that it should be sent to the Medical Museum! And so there it remains, on display for us to view. Interesting. But after hearing the story while we were in Gettysburg, it was interesting to connect the stories and see it for ourselves. And aside from all our gallivanting through the educational sights, we were able to visit Annapolis for a day and then wander through Fells Point (my neighborhood in Baltimore), appreciating all that the Chesapeake region has to offer. We tried to find a place to experience steamed crabs on Labor Day, but unfortunately they were all out by the time we sat down to eat! We were slightly disappointed... nothing like eating crabs in Maryland! It was a great weekend overall, and I was so happy to have her out here. But now it's back to business as usual...
So, the semester has started off relatively slowly, compared to summer. I'm waiting for the onslaught of exams and assignments, but so far it feels as if they're taking pity on us for what they put us through! haha. It has been an adjustment the first couple weeks, but I'm finally feeling as if I have a solid grasp on what to expect. My clinical rotation for the first half of this semester is in Psych, which I actually feel relatively comfortable in. My time spent at the treatment facility in Utah served as great preparation for the psychiatric unit that I am now working in. We spend our Thursdays and Fridays on the floor, and our main responsibility is to interact with the patients as they are going through their day treatments and groups. I'm not sure what I initially expected... maybe a little more chaos? But so far, things have run smoothly and we really appreciate the efforts the nursing staff are making to include us in their daily assessments. I will say that it has been quite of an adjustment for me... dealing with adults who are suffering from mental illnesses is quite different than my experience working with teenage girls. The most common diagnosis that we have seen is Depression, but we've also had a few patients who are diagnosed as "Psychotic" -- either suffering with Schizophrenia or a manic episode of Bipolar Disorder. Our daily tasks include meeting with our assigned patients and discussing with them their reasons for their stay (it's mostly short term, averaging from a few days to a few weeks) and their goals for what they want to accomplish and take with them when they leave. Working in Psych is very different from any other nursing environment, in that we only have ourselves as tools to help our patients. WE are the therapeutic means to help them -- we can't hide behind our stethoscopes, which definitely left us feeling a little more vulnerable when we walked into the unit on the first day. The nursing staff has been quite impressed with how we've adjusted to the environment, and it's been helpful knowing that they have a little bit of faith in us! I love my new clinical group, and appreciate having the opportunity to learn from them during our conference meetings at the end of each shift. I'm very glad that I decided to do this rotation first, because I feel like I have made realizations about my own strengths and weaknesses, and know what I need to work on in order to provide better care for the emotional and psychological well-being of my patients, no matter what unit I may be working in.
Now... on to a topic that is very close to my heart. For those who aren't so familiar with my experiences in the African country of Zambia, I apologize for the lack of background information... but I learned this morning after my exam that beautiful little Carol Zulu passed away last night, succumbing to the effects of AIDS after a hard-fought battle that a 15-year old should never have to endure. In short, I met Carol in 2006 (and then saw her again in 2007 upon my return) while I was in Zambia with the organization Mothers Without Borders. When we arrived to the Children's Village in 2006, she had only been there a few short days to gain strength and recover after a recurrent illness had weakened her frail body. She rapidly found herself a part of the family at the center, and the other children welcomed her with open arms. And she accepted her new place with a humble appreciation for the blessing that God had granted her. Only a week later, a trip to the clinic confirmed what we did not want to accept - Carol's 12-year old immune system was falling victim to HIV. Even after her diagnosis, little Carol was resilient - never losing faith in God and His plan for her. Despite her condition and prognosis, she never failed to acknowledge the many blessings in her life, and she openly expressed her appreciation for the life that God had given her. She radiated pure joy, and it was infectious. I know she touched the lives of many, and I feel truly grateful for her example and inspiration. Through her simple understanding and appreciation of her place in this world, I was reminded of what is most important in our lives - our relationships with our family and friends, and how we can give of ourselves to serve those around us. Pure charity, love and respect for one another. I will forever carry her lasting impression with me, especially as I venture out into the health care field as a nurse. And someday (SOON) I will make my way back to Africa, to serve those people that so desperately need the medical attention that we take for granted. But that's a soap box I'll stand on some other time :] Here's to precious Carol, who is singing now with the angels in heaven.....
So, the semester has started off relatively slowly, compared to summer. I'm waiting for the onslaught of exams and assignments, but so far it feels as if they're taking pity on us for what they put us through! haha. It has been an adjustment the first couple weeks, but I'm finally feeling as if I have a solid grasp on what to expect. My clinical rotation for the first half of this semester is in Psych, which I actually feel relatively comfortable in. My time spent at the treatment facility in Utah served as great preparation for the psychiatric unit that I am now working in. We spend our Thursdays and Fridays on the floor, and our main responsibility is to interact with the patients as they are going through their day treatments and groups. I'm not sure what I initially expected... maybe a little more chaos? But so far, things have run smoothly and we really appreciate the efforts the nursing staff are making to include us in their daily assessments. I will say that it has been quite of an adjustment for me... dealing with adults who are suffering from mental illnesses is quite different than my experience working with teenage girls. The most common diagnosis that we have seen is Depression, but we've also had a few patients who are diagnosed as "Psychotic" -- either suffering with Schizophrenia or a manic episode of Bipolar Disorder. Our daily tasks include meeting with our assigned patients and discussing with them their reasons for their stay (it's mostly short term, averaging from a few days to a few weeks) and their goals for what they want to accomplish and take with them when they leave. Working in Psych is very different from any other nursing environment, in that we only have ourselves as tools to help our patients. WE are the therapeutic means to help them -- we can't hide behind our stethoscopes, which definitely left us feeling a little more vulnerable when we walked into the unit on the first day. The nursing staff has been quite impressed with how we've adjusted to the environment, and it's been helpful knowing that they have a little bit of faith in us! I love my new clinical group, and appreciate having the opportunity to learn from them during our conference meetings at the end of each shift. I'm very glad that I decided to do this rotation first, because I feel like I have made realizations about my own strengths and weaknesses, and know what I need to work on in order to provide better care for the emotional and psychological well-being of my patients, no matter what unit I may be working in.
Now... on to a topic that is very close to my heart. For those who aren't so familiar with my experiences in the African country of Zambia, I apologize for the lack of background information... but I learned this morning after my exam that beautiful little Carol Zulu passed away last night, succumbing to the effects of AIDS after a hard-fought battle that a 15-year old should never have to endure. In short, I met Carol in 2006 (and then saw her again in 2007 upon my return) while I was in Zambia with the organization Mothers Without Borders. When we arrived to the Children's Village in 2006, she had only been there a few short days to gain strength and recover after a recurrent illness had weakened her frail body. She rapidly found herself a part of the family at the center, and the other children welcomed her with open arms. And she accepted her new place with a humble appreciation for the blessing that God had granted her. Only a week later, a trip to the clinic confirmed what we did not want to accept - Carol's 12-year old immune system was falling victim to HIV. Even after her diagnosis, little Carol was resilient - never losing faith in God and His plan for her. Despite her condition and prognosis, she never failed to acknowledge the many blessings in her life, and she openly expressed her appreciation for the life that God had given her. She radiated pure joy, and it was infectious. I know she touched the lives of many, and I feel truly grateful for her example and inspiration. Through her simple understanding and appreciation of her place in this world, I was reminded of what is most important in our lives - our relationships with our family and friends, and how we can give of ourselves to serve those around us. Pure charity, love and respect for one another. I will forever carry her lasting impression with me, especially as I venture out into the health care field as a nurse. And someday (SOON) I will make my way back to Africa, to serve those people that so desperately need the medical attention that we take for granted. But that's a soap box I'll stand on some other time :] Here's to precious Carol, who is singing now with the angels in heaven.....
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
back to school... so soon?!
It's a clear, crisp September day in Baltimore and I have just arrived home from my second day of classes at the beginning of this fall semester. It's quite a change from my summer schedule -- my days on campus were long and draining, and now I have nearly an entire day with no agenda! What ever shall I do? No worries, I have plenty to catch up on... I feel like the 3 weeks of my summer break just vanished, with no warning that the end was rapidly approaching. Now I am back in school, and forced to adjust accordingly! I am excited to be starting on the next phase of this program, but I feel like I need a few days to get my brain back in gear. Once I can better process the information that I am supposedly absorbing right now, I will make sure to fill you all in. Until then... I feel it is only fair to share a few stories about my recent adventures :]
In case you've forgotten, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel to GREECE with one of my dear friends from high school during my short summer vacation. Chia still lives in Los Angeles, so we arranged to meet in London and fly from there to Athens. I had a very long layover in London while waiting for her, so I had the chance to go into the city to explore for a few hours. I loved wandering the city streets on my own, taking in the sights - Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, the Tower Bridge, to name a few. Here are a couple photos from the day's excursion:
I love cities that have convenient public transportation! The Underground in London is very easy to navigate, and I loved having time alone to explore the city. And I couldn't have asked for more perfect weather! It really was a wonderful way to start out the trip. We had a slight glitch in our scheduling... Chia's flight was supposed to arrive at 3:30, but a 5-hour delay at LAX put her in to Heathrow dangerously close to our departure flight time -- 9:00! We were a bit stressed out, but THANKFULLY she made it - 5 minutes before the gate was meant to close. We didn't want to dwell on what might have happened had she missed that connection, but it could have caused quite a chain of events that we would not have wanted to deal with.
Our first day in Athens was quite the whirlwind - we woke up (after only a few hours rest) ready to see the archaeological sites that Athens is most famous for, namely the Acropolis. We were blessed with comfortable temperatures thanks, in part, to a fierce wind that followed us throughout our trip. I've heard of miserable days spent atop the Acropolis with temperatures reaching 115 degrees... not sure how long I would have lasted in that! As I stood in the shadows of the monumental 2000-year-old structures, I was speechless and in awe. I love studying ancient civilizations, and this era of Greek history was one of my favorites. I tried to imagine life as the ancient Greeks knew it, and pictured walking the grounds of the Acropolis in the year 200 BC. Incredible. I was a bit disappointed to see the construction in process right now - they are rebuilding the Parthenon, to what extent I'm not quite sure... but I believe it looks more impressive in ruins, after all, it is 2000 years old! Can't expect them to remain in top condition after hundreds of battles and weather taking its toll... so I was glad to see it in its, albeit broken, glory.
After the Acropolis, Chia and I took a stroll through a more modern area of Athens, and then we made our way to the port -- it was off to Mykonos! I will spare you the boring details (haha) but the next few days we focused on relaxation by treating ourselves to various fruity drinks as we lounged by the Aegean Sea. Not a bad way to escape reality, I must say... and Mykonos was such a picturesque place to spend our time. White-washed walls with blue windows and doors contrasted against the deep blue of the sea... it was just what I had envisioned when I imagined visiting the Greek Islands. I loved wandering the streets of the small towns, and especially enjoyed the sunsets over the water every evening.

After our few days in Mykonos, we made our way to Santorini - famed for its cliff-side towns and spectacular sunsets. We enjoyed a trip out to the volcano island off the coast and a ride down (and back up) the cliff on the back of the famous Santorini donkeys! It was quite the treat. We ventured out to the black sand beach (black from the volcanic rock) and then marveled at the sunset from the town of Oia at the northern end of the island. I'm not sure what it is about sunsets that just bring a sense of peace and joy to my heart, but it was there, basking in the amber light of the evening sun, that I felt a wave of comfort wash over me. Couldn't have asked for anything more in that moment. The world stood still... but unfortunately not for long, as I found myself back in Athens the next day. Thankfully we had one more evening to decompress, and we made our way up to the top of Lykavittos Hill, the highest point in Athens, to watch our last sunset over the Aegean Sea. After, we met up with a guy that we had met in Mykonos (he had been on holiday, and lives in Athens) for a delicious dinner at a small restaurant. I must say, I am quite a fan of Greek cuisine -- my favorites were grilled octopus, Greek salad, and eggplant salad. Delectable. He had us try a few of his favorite dishes as well, and we were thoroughly satisfied. Then we drove to the original Olympic stadium from the games in 1896, and I was glad that I had the opportunity to see that before I left. That is one thing, of many, that I am truly grateful Greece introduced to the world! And then our final evening in Athens came to an end, and before I knew it, I was sitting back in my little corner nook of my rowhouse in Fells Point. Wow. I look at pictures and remind myself that I actually went... feels too much like a dream! I am so grateful for the opportunity to travel -- helps me find my center amidst the craziness of my reality. The world offers such unique perspectives, and I gain greater understanding of my place in it each time I immerse myself in the diverse cultures of the destinations I am fortunate enough to visit. Wonder where my next journey will take me... Australia? Dubai? Sweden? It all depends on how school goes this year -- next summer I will (hopefully) be doing my transitional program abroad, and I anxiously await the final list of options! But that is not something that I need worry about just yet... I still have two full semesters of class to finish before that decision must be made! So, I will leave you with a few final pictures, and then I must crack open the new textbooks and settle down for some quality studying this evening! Pharmacology - bring it on.

In case you've forgotten, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel to GREECE with one of my dear friends from high school during my short summer vacation. Chia still lives in Los Angeles, so we arranged to meet in London and fly from there to Athens. I had a very long layover in London while waiting for her, so I had the chance to go into the city to explore for a few hours. I loved wandering the city streets on my own, taking in the sights - Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, the Tower Bridge, to name a few. Here are a couple photos from the day's excursion:
I love cities that have convenient public transportation! The Underground in London is very easy to navigate, and I loved having time alone to explore the city. And I couldn't have asked for more perfect weather! It really was a wonderful way to start out the trip. We had a slight glitch in our scheduling... Chia's flight was supposed to arrive at 3:30, but a 5-hour delay at LAX put her in to Heathrow dangerously close to our departure flight time -- 9:00! We were a bit stressed out, but THANKFULLY she made it - 5 minutes before the gate was meant to close. We didn't want to dwell on what might have happened had she missed that connection, but it could have caused quite a chain of events that we would not have wanted to deal with.
Our first day in Athens was quite the whirlwind - we woke up (after only a few hours rest) ready to see the archaeological sites that Athens is most famous for, namely the Acropolis. We were blessed with comfortable temperatures thanks, in part, to a fierce wind that followed us throughout our trip. I've heard of miserable days spent atop the Acropolis with temperatures reaching 115 degrees... not sure how long I would have lasted in that! As I stood in the shadows of the monumental 2000-year-old structures, I was speechless and in awe. I love studying ancient civilizations, and this era of Greek history was one of my favorites. I tried to imagine life as the ancient Greeks knew it, and pictured walking the grounds of the Acropolis in the year 200 BC. Incredible. I was a bit disappointed to see the construction in process right now - they are rebuilding the Parthenon, to what extent I'm not quite sure... but I believe it looks more impressive in ruins, after all, it is 2000 years old! Can't expect them to remain in top condition after hundreds of battles and weather taking its toll... so I was glad to see it in its, albeit broken, glory.
After the Acropolis, Chia and I took a stroll through a more modern area of Athens, and then we made our way to the port -- it was off to Mykonos! I will spare you the boring details (haha) but the next few days we focused on relaxation by treating ourselves to various fruity drinks as we lounged by the Aegean Sea. Not a bad way to escape reality, I must say... and Mykonos was such a picturesque place to spend our time. White-washed walls with blue windows and doors contrasted against the deep blue of the sea... it was just what I had envisioned when I imagined visiting the Greek Islands. I loved wandering the streets of the small towns, and especially enjoyed the sunsets over the water every evening.
After our few days in Mykonos, we made our way to Santorini - famed for its cliff-side towns and spectacular sunsets. We enjoyed a trip out to the volcano island off the coast and a ride down (and back up) the cliff on the back of the famous Santorini donkeys! It was quite the treat. We ventured out to the black sand beach (black from the volcanic rock) and then marveled at the sunset from the town of Oia at the northern end of the island. I'm not sure what it is about sunsets that just bring a sense of peace and joy to my heart, but it was there, basking in the amber light of the evening sun, that I felt a wave of comfort wash over me. Couldn't have asked for anything more in that moment. The world stood still... but unfortunately not for long, as I found myself back in Athens the next day. Thankfully we had one more evening to decompress, and we made our way up to the top of Lykavittos Hill, the highest point in Athens, to watch our last sunset over the Aegean Sea. After, we met up with a guy that we had met in Mykonos (he had been on holiday, and lives in Athens) for a delicious dinner at a small restaurant. I must say, I am quite a fan of Greek cuisine -- my favorites were grilled octopus, Greek salad, and eggplant salad. Delectable. He had us try a few of his favorite dishes as well, and we were thoroughly satisfied. Then we drove to the original Olympic stadium from the games in 1896, and I was glad that I had the opportunity to see that before I left. That is one thing, of many, that I am truly grateful Greece introduced to the world! And then our final evening in Athens came to an end, and before I knew it, I was sitting back in my little corner nook of my rowhouse in Fells Point. Wow. I look at pictures and remind myself that I actually went... feels too much like a dream! I am so grateful for the opportunity to travel -- helps me find my center amidst the craziness of my reality. The world offers such unique perspectives, and I gain greater understanding of my place in it each time I immerse myself in the diverse cultures of the destinations I am fortunate enough to visit. Wonder where my next journey will take me... Australia? Dubai? Sweden? It all depends on how school goes this year -- next summer I will (hopefully) be doing my transitional program abroad, and I anxiously await the final list of options! But that is not something that I need worry about just yet... I still have two full semesters of class to finish before that decision must be made! So, I will leave you with a few final pictures, and then I must crack open the new textbooks and settle down for some quality studying this evening! Pharmacology - bring it on.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I'M 25% NURSE!
My how time has flown! It's an overcast summer morning here in Baltimore, and despite the gloomy conditions, I am in quite a bright, cheery mood! Amanda and I arrived back from NYC late last night, and are recovering from a quick, yet enjoyable 3-day jaunt up the coast. For those who are not aware, Amanda moved out to Baltimore from Utah/California a couple weeks ago, and it has been so great having her here. It's amazing how our friendship has grown over the years - from 8th grade until now, and I am so grateful to have that feeling of comfort from home and source of support out here. She starts her program at the Johns Hopkins School of Education to get her Master's Degree in School Counseling at the end of the month -- what are the chances of us both getting into this school?! What a blessing.
Speaking of school... let's dive into that recap before anything else. I AM DONE WITH MY FIRST SEMESTER OF NURSING SCHOOL! As my classmates and I like to say, we are 25% nurses! haha. Last week was quite the ordeal... 5 finals in 5 days. Granted, one was simply a seminar, but that class turned out to be just as stressful as one of our finals! Let me explain... our section (half of my entire class) is very vocal about the politics of health care. In other words, any mention of something that is not "PC" arouses an underlying tension in the classroom and fuels a heated discussion. One topic for our final seminar was regarding health care for illegal immigrants, and those words alone invoked some choice words from our classmates -- "Can we please use the term UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS?" -- and that was only the beginning. It's quite unfortunate actually... it makes it very difficult to be open with our own perspectives and opinions in fear of backlash from our classmates. Our professor tried to be patient with us, but at one point she had to cut us off and move on... and I was glad that she did. I think the stress and intensity of our 10 weeks of classes might have had something to do with it, so hopefully this 3-week break will help us all to center ourselves and refocus our attention on the idea that we're all in this for the same reason (hopefully): to serve our patients and our communities, even if we accomplish this from different standpoints. As for the rest of the week and my final 3 tests, I managed to find the mental capacity to unload information on each subsequent exam, proving that I had actually learned something this summer! I really did surprise myself, and I feel much more confident and capable for this upcoming semester. But for now... I'm giving myself a bit of a mental break, not thinking about school until I start up again on August 31st!
In order to appropriately celebrate being done with school, Amanda and I decided to take off for one of our favorite places: NEW YORK CITY. We traveled there for New Year's Eve 2007-08, and had a fantastic adventure exploring the maze of city streets. This past weekend's trip was aimed at relaxation and decompression, and although we weren't able to do a few things that we had planned, it was definitely a success. We stayed with one of Amanda's roommates from Utah, and met up with some friends for a few days of wandering the streets, shopping, and eating. What more could we really ask for? haha. I love just being out amidst the diversity of people in the city and appreciating the breadth and depth of cultural history that encapsulates New York. One of my favorite things to do is just sit and people watch... and I definitely made time for that! We look forward to many more trips up to NYC this semester, as it is only $35 (ROUND-TRIP) on a decently comfortable coach bus, nonstop transportation from Baltimore. How perfect is that? I can't believe it, actually. It's a bit of a temptation to travel up there more than I should actually... haha. It's so convenient having friends up there to stay with too. I love living on the east coast, I can't really express that enough!
But now it's back to reality... sort of. I'm back in Baltimore for a few days, only to get ready for my trip across the Atlantic -- I'm heading to GREECE! I can't adequately express how excited I am to travel there... it's one of my dream destinations, and it couldn't come at a more perfect time. It will be wonderful to bask in the European sun and lounge on the beaches of the Mediterranean. So... this will probably be my last post for a little while... I'll try to update while I'm in Greece, just depends on how accessible the internet is! Until then... take care all!
Friday, July 24, 2009
it's a new dawn, a new day...
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel... for this semester at least. One more week left of classes, and then finals week, and then I'm DONE for the summer! Granted it will be August... but I will appreciate any summer break that I can enjoy. And I will be taking full advantage of the time off, planning trips up the coast to New York and possibly Philadelphia, and maybe making my way to Bethany Beach in Delaware or down to Virginia or North Carolina. Why not?? That's the beauty of living on the east coast - freedom to drive and explore different states. I love adventures and I plan to make the most of my time while I'm living here! But let's focus on the past couple weeks... I'm not sure I can even remember what happened, everything seems to blur together these days...
Classes have been tapering off a bit, finally... it has been quite the grind the past month - constant stream of papers and projects and skill assessments and exams. Every night I come home and find myself at my desk reading or studying one thing or another. But the beauty is that through it all, I have not felt the slightest hint of bitterness or frustration that I am spending my entire summer confined to the inside of the Pinkard building or to my study nook in my bedroom. I find myself lost in the pages of my notes and books, learning about the neurological system assessment, then switching gears to review how to install and monitor central line medication and nutrition, and then find myself preparing for a professional poster presentation discussing the importance of appropriate verification technique when administering medications. Each class presents such intriguing and crucial issues and topics for discussion, and I have learned to appreciate the various perspectives and input from the diverse group of my classmates. The classes are all focused on the foundations of nursing, and we have gained critical knowledge and skills that we will carry with us throughout our careers. And I am keeping that in mind as I study - this information, albeit basic, is what I will have to refer to and implement into my regular patient care. That is what is making learning so much easier - I WANT to understand the material, so that I will have more confidence in my abilities when I am thrown into clinicals this fall and transitions rotations next summer. Our professors are wonderful as well - they are truly passionate about teaching us this information, and it is conveyed in their teaching styles. I love sitting in class and listening to their lectures, even when we are into our 6th hour of class on a Friday afternoon. Let me think... I have already told you about my course enrollment for this fall, but this past week I learned about another elective that I have chosen to take: Faith and Health. It focuses on the various world religions and how these religions view health care, and we will also learn certain important aspects of care for patients that practice different religions. I am quite excited for this course, as I do love studying religions. I hope I'm not taking on too much... but there is just so much that I want to learn about!! I feel that if I am interested in learning the information, rather than just taking the course for elective credit, that I will make time for studying. We'll see what happens though.. This fall will be intense material-wise, as we are taking both Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. But I have a basic understanding of these subjects, and I am hoping that they will be more manageable than students are making them out to be. The information will definitely be complex, but again, I am excited to know and understand it all, so I am happy and willing to put the time in to studying. I will say that more than anything, I am extremely excited for clinical rotations! We find out at the end of August where we will be placed for Psych, and I am hoping to have exposure to patients with substance abuse... possibly in a community setting. Could be quite the experience, learning how to interact and work with patients who have been managing a lifestyle centered around substances for the past 10+ years. If placed at this site, we will be working on patient education and running groups with these individuals to discuss various health care topics, and I think this type of experience could be an invaluable opportunity to prepare me for dealing with a wide array of patients in the future.
Aside from school, life in Baltimore has been moderately low-key. Amy and I went to an Orioles game last week with some people from church, and it was a true Balmer experience. The O's aren't that great... but it was fun to go to a good old-fashioned baseball game. I can't wait for Ravens games this fall! Baltimore locals are CRAZY about their Ravens... they bleed purple out here. haha. Amy and I did survive quite a difficult change over the past couple weeks... we decided to move from our previous living situation into an adorable row house in Fells Point. It has been a huge stress in both of our lives dealing with this upheavel over the past month, but we are so much happier now that we have moved. Our new house was built in 1857, so it is part of the Maryland Historic Society (or something like that) that recognizes various neighborhoods in the city that were founded in the 1800s. I am excited to have a little bit of a "yard" as well -- our landlord has promised us a gas grill for our little deck! And some pots to plant flowers! I feel like such a nerd. But I am so happy with our new location, and I want it to feel more like our own little sanctuary. It's a work in progress :) We are about a block from the water as well, and we actually have a boat slip for the marina - so we can head over to the club and use the pool and the gym facilities there! Quite exciting. Amy and I are looking into the possibility of getting bikes to ride along the waterfront -- it's a nice 3 or so mile ride around the harbor. And we now have the good fortune to walk to school, a 20-minute jaunt through the tiny streets and past the quaint row houses of Fells Point and Butcher's Hill. I love connecting with the city in this way - I feel much more at home now that I live in this area. We have decided to throw a little "house warming" party next weekend, and also to celebrate Amy's birthday - our little group of friends share a general sense of understanding and balance in our lives that keep us sane throughout the rigorous schedule we've been enduring. And I can't wait for our new arrival to get here -- Amanda is moving to Baltimore, and she will be here tomorrow (FINALLY)! From California to Utah to Maryland... what a journey our friendship has made. And we have so many adventures left ahead of us....
Amy and I are in DC again this weekend to dogsit for her brother, and we made a trip up to the rooftop pool in his complex to lay out today and soak up some sunshine -- my first time actually experiencing "summer" so far. Ridiculous I tell you! haha. But I will be making up for lost time when I land in Athens in 3 weeks... cannot wait!! Well, I guess I shall leave you now... we are trying to fit in some studying while we are here, to lessen our load once we get back to Baltimore... so, until next time.... xxL
Classes have been tapering off a bit, finally... it has been quite the grind the past month - constant stream of papers and projects and skill assessments and exams. Every night I come home and find myself at my desk reading or studying one thing or another. But the beauty is that through it all, I have not felt the slightest hint of bitterness or frustration that I am spending my entire summer confined to the inside of the Pinkard building or to my study nook in my bedroom. I find myself lost in the pages of my notes and books, learning about the neurological system assessment, then switching gears to review how to install and monitor central line medication and nutrition, and then find myself preparing for a professional poster presentation discussing the importance of appropriate verification technique when administering medications. Each class presents such intriguing and crucial issues and topics for discussion, and I have learned to appreciate the various perspectives and input from the diverse group of my classmates. The classes are all focused on the foundations of nursing, and we have gained critical knowledge and skills that we will carry with us throughout our careers. And I am keeping that in mind as I study - this information, albeit basic, is what I will have to refer to and implement into my regular patient care. That is what is making learning so much easier - I WANT to understand the material, so that I will have more confidence in my abilities when I am thrown into clinicals this fall and transitions rotations next summer. Our professors are wonderful as well - they are truly passionate about teaching us this information, and it is conveyed in their teaching styles. I love sitting in class and listening to their lectures, even when we are into our 6th hour of class on a Friday afternoon. Let me think... I have already told you about my course enrollment for this fall, but this past week I learned about another elective that I have chosen to take: Faith and Health. It focuses on the various world religions and how these religions view health care, and we will also learn certain important aspects of care for patients that practice different religions. I am quite excited for this course, as I do love studying religions. I hope I'm not taking on too much... but there is just so much that I want to learn about!! I feel that if I am interested in learning the information, rather than just taking the course for elective credit, that I will make time for studying. We'll see what happens though.. This fall will be intense material-wise, as we are taking both Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. But I have a basic understanding of these subjects, and I am hoping that they will be more manageable than students are making them out to be. The information will definitely be complex, but again, I am excited to know and understand it all, so I am happy and willing to put the time in to studying. I will say that more than anything, I am extremely excited for clinical rotations! We find out at the end of August where we will be placed for Psych, and I am hoping to have exposure to patients with substance abuse... possibly in a community setting. Could be quite the experience, learning how to interact and work with patients who have been managing a lifestyle centered around substances for the past 10+ years. If placed at this site, we will be working on patient education and running groups with these individuals to discuss various health care topics, and I think this type of experience could be an invaluable opportunity to prepare me for dealing with a wide array of patients in the future.
Aside from school, life in Baltimore has been moderately low-key. Amy and I went to an Orioles game last week with some people from church, and it was a true Balmer experience. The O's aren't that great... but it was fun to go to a good old-fashioned baseball game. I can't wait for Ravens games this fall! Baltimore locals are CRAZY about their Ravens... they bleed purple out here. haha. Amy and I did survive quite a difficult change over the past couple weeks... we decided to move from our previous living situation into an adorable row house in Fells Point. It has been a huge stress in both of our lives dealing with this upheavel over the past month, but we are so much happier now that we have moved. Our new house was built in 1857, so it is part of the Maryland Historic Society (or something like that) that recognizes various neighborhoods in the city that were founded in the 1800s. I am excited to have a little bit of a "yard" as well -- our landlord has promised us a gas grill for our little deck! And some pots to plant flowers! I feel like such a nerd. But I am so happy with our new location, and I want it to feel more like our own little sanctuary. It's a work in progress :) We are about a block from the water as well, and we actually have a boat slip for the marina - so we can head over to the club and use the pool and the gym facilities there! Quite exciting. Amy and I are looking into the possibility of getting bikes to ride along the waterfront -- it's a nice 3 or so mile ride around the harbor. And we now have the good fortune to walk to school, a 20-minute jaunt through the tiny streets and past the quaint row houses of Fells Point and Butcher's Hill. I love connecting with the city in this way - I feel much more at home now that I live in this area. We have decided to throw a little "house warming" party next weekend, and also to celebrate Amy's birthday - our little group of friends share a general sense of understanding and balance in our lives that keep us sane throughout the rigorous schedule we've been enduring. And I can't wait for our new arrival to get here -- Amanda is moving to Baltimore, and she will be here tomorrow (FINALLY)! From California to Utah to Maryland... what a journey our friendship has made. And we have so many adventures left ahead of us....
Amy and I are in DC again this weekend to dogsit for her brother, and we made a trip up to the rooftop pool in his complex to lay out today and soak up some sunshine -- my first time actually experiencing "summer" so far. Ridiculous I tell you! haha. But I will be making up for lost time when I land in Athens in 3 weeks... cannot wait!! Well, I guess I shall leave you now... we are trying to fit in some studying while we are here, to lessen our load once we get back to Baltimore... so, until next time.... xxL
Saturday, July 11, 2009
passing the half-way point!
Well, well, well... I've made it. Half-way at least. Actually, more than half way... we are a week into JULY! I have 3 weeks left of classes then one week of finals and I'm done with my first semester of nursing school! WOW. It really has flown by... I know it's been a few weeks since my last post, so I won't bore you with extensive detail of my experiences, but I'll give you a bit of an overview.
The last weeks of June and into the beginning of July were quite a stressful time for me... I won't go into great detail, but life was a bit overwhelming, and school was very intense - midterm exam and paper time - so I am quite grateful to feel like I have climbed my way up and over the summit of this semester and now have more freedom to actually breathe and catch up on much needed sleep this past week. Through it all, however, I have found myself loving the hours spent studying because I do love the information that I'm learning. For example, we learned that when a patient goes into asystole ("flat line") you CANNOT shock the patient -- something that TV and movies lead us to believe is possible. Asystole indicates that there is no cardiac electrical impulse, and using an AED to shock a patient can only be done if there is electrical activity to shock back into a working rhythm. Interesting, right? I am looking forward to the day that I can sit through Grey's Anatomy and rattle off all the different things that they are doing/saying incorrectly. So overall, my classes have been very integrative and intriguing, and I really do appreciate the knowledge that we are gaining. Labs have also been a great experience, and the past week has been spent on learning how to properly and accurately administer medication -- a crucial aspect of our role on the health care team. We learned how to draw up medication in various syringes, and practiced giving our dummies shots. I even got to give myself a subcutaneous shot -- a TB shot for those who have ever had one (but I gave myself a shot of saline) -- and I did it successfully on the first try! I was so proud of my little wheal (the bubble of solution that you are supposed to see underneath the skin). We also have been learning how to calculate and administer IV medications, but unfortunately we won't learn how to actually insert an IV needle until the end of the year. Our clinical experiences have been great too - I have worked with the same gentleman the past couple weeks and have really loved getting to know him. He has been very patient with me and has allowed me to practice my new skills that I'm learning in lab on him (although he laughs at me and gives me a hard time with it!) including listening to heart, lung, and bowel sounds. Never thought I'd get so excited about listening for and hearing bowel sounds! haha. Clinical really has been a great opportunity for me, and I feel very comfortable on the unit, and am gaining more and more confidence with my knowledge base and my objective and subjective opinions as the weeks progress. I have to put together a care plan this coming week for my patient, and it's a very detailed process... going through all his nursing diagnoses (NOT medical diagnoses -- we can only state what human responses our patients are having to their actual diagnosis) and then analyzing his status and selecting appropriate outcomes and interventions that we would implement if we were his nurse. Many people don't realize how much autonomy nurses really have... yes, there are things we must obtain doctor's orders for in order to treat our patients, but there are many things we can do independently using our own critical thinking skills to care for our patients. I have gained so much more respect for RNs these past 6 weeks that I've been in classes and clinical. And this is only the beginning! I just enrolled in classes for this fall, and I'm really looking forward to them. I am taking Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, clinical rotations first in Mental Health Nursing and then in Labor&Delivery. I'm also taking an elective - Community Outreach in Urban Baltimore, where we will have the opportunity to work in outpatient clinics in the community and learn more about working in underserved populations, which I am really looking forward to. There is great need in Baltimore for greater access to health care, so I am grateful for the opporunity to help in any way I can. I'm also applying to be a mentor at a local residential treatment center - reminiscent of my time back in Salt Lake - that I am really looking forward to.
Amidst all the craziness of school, I was so happy to have my dad in town to visit last weekend! He came in to spend the 4th of July with me, and we had a great time. Friday I had off from school, so we toured around Baltimore and visited Fort McHenry - the location of the original "Star-Spangled Banner" that inspired our national anthem. Then we took a beautiful drive up through Maryland to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and visited the battlegrounds. It was actually quite an experience - we happened to be there on the anniversary of the 3rd day of battle, so there were many people there taking "battle walks" and touring the grounds, learning all the details of the battle. I'm not a battle enthusiast by any means, but I definitely gained a greater appreciation for the significance of the battle and appreciated our time spent there. We then had our first Maryland experience of eating steamed crabs! It was quite a sight. It wasn't pretty, but we did find a way to crack the shells open eat the delicious meat hiding inside. Saturday we spent touring Washington DC and enjoyed a spectacular fireworks show that night. Thousands of people had gathered for the holiday celebration, so it was a bit chaotic, but we managed to find a great place in the mall to sit and watch the most intense display of fireworks I have ever seen. What a sight. And what a memory. Here are a few photos from our day spent in DC:
So... 3 more weeks until the end of this semester, and then it's a MUCH needed (and may I say deserved?) break! We have the majority of August off, and I've decided to take a little vacation to GREECE with one of my closest friends from home. I'm SO excited -- it's been a dream of mine to walk through the Acropolis and relax on the beach in Mykonos and explore the narrow streets of Santorini! But until then, school will have my full and complete attention... so hopefully I'll have time to post soon! Until then, take care all!
The last weeks of June and into the beginning of July were quite a stressful time for me... I won't go into great detail, but life was a bit overwhelming, and school was very intense - midterm exam and paper time - so I am quite grateful to feel like I have climbed my way up and over the summit of this semester and now have more freedom to actually breathe and catch up on much needed sleep this past week. Through it all, however, I have found myself loving the hours spent studying because I do love the information that I'm learning. For example, we learned that when a patient goes into asystole ("flat line") you CANNOT shock the patient -- something that TV and movies lead us to believe is possible. Asystole indicates that there is no cardiac electrical impulse, and using an AED to shock a patient can only be done if there is electrical activity to shock back into a working rhythm. Interesting, right? I am looking forward to the day that I can sit through Grey's Anatomy and rattle off all the different things that they are doing/saying incorrectly. So overall, my classes have been very integrative and intriguing, and I really do appreciate the knowledge that we are gaining. Labs have also been a great experience, and the past week has been spent on learning how to properly and accurately administer medication -- a crucial aspect of our role on the health care team. We learned how to draw up medication in various syringes, and practiced giving our dummies shots. I even got to give myself a subcutaneous shot -- a TB shot for those who have ever had one (but I gave myself a shot of saline) -- and I did it successfully on the first try! I was so proud of my little wheal (the bubble of solution that you are supposed to see underneath the skin). We also have been learning how to calculate and administer IV medications, but unfortunately we won't learn how to actually insert an IV needle until the end of the year. Our clinical experiences have been great too - I have worked with the same gentleman the past couple weeks and have really loved getting to know him. He has been very patient with me and has allowed me to practice my new skills that I'm learning in lab on him (although he laughs at me and gives me a hard time with it!) including listening to heart, lung, and bowel sounds. Never thought I'd get so excited about listening for and hearing bowel sounds! haha. Clinical really has been a great opportunity for me, and I feel very comfortable on the unit, and am gaining more and more confidence with my knowledge base and my objective and subjective opinions as the weeks progress. I have to put together a care plan this coming week for my patient, and it's a very detailed process... going through all his nursing diagnoses (NOT medical diagnoses -- we can only state what human responses our patients are having to their actual diagnosis) and then analyzing his status and selecting appropriate outcomes and interventions that we would implement if we were his nurse. Many people don't realize how much autonomy nurses really have... yes, there are things we must obtain doctor's orders for in order to treat our patients, but there are many things we can do independently using our own critical thinking skills to care for our patients. I have gained so much more respect for RNs these past 6 weeks that I've been in classes and clinical. And this is only the beginning! I just enrolled in classes for this fall, and I'm really looking forward to them. I am taking Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, clinical rotations first in Mental Health Nursing and then in Labor&Delivery. I'm also taking an elective - Community Outreach in Urban Baltimore, where we will have the opportunity to work in outpatient clinics in the community and learn more about working in underserved populations, which I am really looking forward to. There is great need in Baltimore for greater access to health care, so I am grateful for the opporunity to help in any way I can. I'm also applying to be a mentor at a local residential treatment center - reminiscent of my time back in Salt Lake - that I am really looking forward to.
Amidst all the craziness of school, I was so happy to have my dad in town to visit last weekend! He came in to spend the 4th of July with me, and we had a great time. Friday I had off from school, so we toured around Baltimore and visited Fort McHenry - the location of the original "Star-Spangled Banner" that inspired our national anthem. Then we took a beautiful drive up through Maryland to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and visited the battlegrounds. It was actually quite an experience - we happened to be there on the anniversary of the 3rd day of battle, so there were many people there taking "battle walks" and touring the grounds, learning all the details of the battle. I'm not a battle enthusiast by any means, but I definitely gained a greater appreciation for the significance of the battle and appreciated our time spent there. We then had our first Maryland experience of eating steamed crabs! It was quite a sight. It wasn't pretty, but we did find a way to crack the shells open eat the delicious meat hiding inside. Saturday we spent touring Washington DC and enjoyed a spectacular fireworks show that night. Thousands of people had gathered for the holiday celebration, so it was a bit chaotic, but we managed to find a great place in the mall to sit and watch the most intense display of fireworks I have ever seen. What a sight. And what a memory. Here are a few photos from our day spent in DC:
So... 3 more weeks until the end of this semester, and then it's a MUCH needed (and may I say deserved?) break! We have the majority of August off, and I've decided to take a little vacation to GREECE with one of my closest friends from home. I'm SO excited -- it's been a dream of mine to walk through the Acropolis and relax on the beach in Mykonos and explore the narrow streets of Santorini! But until then, school will have my full and complete attention... so hopefully I'll have time to post soon! Until then, take care all!
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